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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.


Gyptis is a package to solve Maxwell’s equations with the finite element method. It is in early stage and currently being actively developed, so features might come and go.


Montjoie is a high-order finite element C++ framework, to solve time-domain or time-harmonic linear partial differential equations. There are several finite element : nodal finite elements, discontinuous Galerkin finite elements, edge finite elements.

  • Link (31 Jan 2022)


A Onelab model for 3D scattering problems in nanophotonics. The T-matrix of an isolated scatterer of arbitrary shape can be computed.

  • Link (22 Apr 2021)


FreeFEM is a partial differential equation solver for non-linear multi-physics systems in 2D and 3D. Problems involving partial differential equations from several branches of physics, such as fluid-structure interactions, require interpolations of data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. FreeFEM includes a fast interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of data on multiple meshes.

  • Link 10 April 2019


ERMES (Electric Regularized Maxwell Equations with Singularities) is a finite element code in frequency domain which implements in C++ a simplified version of the weighted regularized Maxwell equation method.

  • Link (28 March 2019)


XLiFE++ is an FEM-BEM C++ code developed by P.O.e.m.s. laboratory and I.R.M.A.R. laboratory, that can solve 1D / 2D / 3D, scalar / vector, transient / stationnary / harmonic problems.

It includes Boundary Elements methods for Maxwell equations. 

  • Link 27 March 2019


Onelab Electromagnetic Scattering

Onelab model for solving various 3D electromagnetic scattering problems on an isolated object. Onelab (Open Numerical Engineering LABoratory) is an open-source, lightweight interface to finite element software. The T-matrix of an isolated scatterer of arbitrary shape can be computed.


GetDDM combines GetDP and Gmsh to solve large scale finite element problems using optimized Schwarz domain decomposition methods.

  • Link (29 Feb 2016)


JEM3D ist an FEM solver by Jeffrey M. McMahon which solves the vector wave equation for the electric or magnetic field directly.

Librairie Eléments Finis Mélina: Documentation, Téléchargement

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