Dat Ngo, Gorden Videen, Petr Chylek: A FORTRAN code for the scattering of EM waves by a sphere with a nonconcentric spherical inclusion. Computer Physics Comunications 99(1996) 1, 94-112.
Available from the CPC International Program Library.
Program to calculate the scattering from a sphere containing a nonconcentric spherical inclusion.
This program was written by Dat Ngo. It follows the derivation of Ngo, Videen and Chylek given in Computer Physics Communications 1077, p. 94-112 (1996).
Mathcad programme of the Mie theory by Michael Knappmann.
Semi-emperical model of absoption and scattering by isotropic fractal aggragates of spheres.
Program for the Analysis of a Laser Beam Focused Within an Aerosol Spray (FLSPRY) for theoretical analysis of the propagation of a laser pulse optically focussed within an aerosol spray.
Program in TurboPascal, TurboC or FORTRAN 95 by E. B. Shybanov, and V. I. Haltrin to compute scattering by large spherical particles.