Workshop "Nano particles, nano structures and near field computation"
Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 11. + 12. March 2010
Travel and Hotel information
Near fields are of interest in various kinds of applications such as scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). There are several computational tools available to computed the enhanced near fields of nobel metal nano particles or nano structures such as FEM, FDTD, DDA, GMT, T-Matrix Method. There are still some questions how to compute the relavant near fields in an exact and efficient way and how to include the scattering interaction of a structure or particle and a nearby plane surface.
Former Workshops
- Available programs
- Accuracy of computational results
- Parallelization
- Validation
- Large permittivity
- Measurement results
If you are interested to participate in the workshop, like to present a talk or present some input for discussion please send a two page abstract to one of the organizers by 31. Jan. 2010 using this Word template.
Preliminary list of talks
- Yuri Eremin: Evanescent wave scattering by nano-features of layered media.
- Adrian Doicu: T-Matrix method and near field computation.
- Mirza Karamehmedovic: Comparing different programs for near field computation.
- M. Pinar Mengüç: Near Field Radiative Transfer Between two Surfaces.
- Brian Stout: Subwavelength light localization control in nanoparticle systems.
- Stefan Yoshi Buhmann: Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics and dispersion forces in near- and far-field limits.
- Mirza Karamehmedovic: Application of the MFS to a defect-detection inverse problem of Optical Diffraction Microscopy.
- Poul-Erik Hansen: Experimental Defect-detection using Optical Diffraction Microscopy.
- Alexandre Vial: Problems encountered when modeling dispersive materials using the FDTD method.
- Kursat Sendur: Interaction of Focused Light with a Plasmonic Nanoparticle near a Metallic Layer.
- Ganesh Vasan, Andreas Erbe: Finite element calculations of surface enhancement in attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy.
IWT, Institut für Werkstofftechnik
Room FZB1250
Badgasteiner Str. 3
28359 Bremen
The proceedings and the final program will be sent by email prior to the workshop.
There will be no fee.
Organizing Committee
Thomas Wriedt, Process & Chemical Engineering, Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen, Germany
Yuri Eremin, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Wolfram Hergert, Institut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany