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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

HLIBpro is a software library implementing algorithms for Hierarchical matrices, or ℋ-matrices. HLIBpro contains a complete application layer for boundary element methods. It is based on triangular surface grids. Furthermore, bilinear forms for Laplace SLP/DLP, Helmholtz SLP/DLP, Maxwell EFIE/MFIE and acoustic scattering are provided.

BEM++ is a modern open-source C++/Python boundary element library. It contains a submodule relevant to the implementation of boundary operators and potential operators related to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations in 3D for a region with a uniform scalar permittivity and permeability. The main coding team consists of Simon Arridge, Timo Betcke, Richard James, Nicolas Salles, Martin Schweiger and Wojciech Smigaj.

  • Link Link (21 Oct 2013)



JDAY by Alex Yuffa is a Fortran code for a  new integral equation method for direct electromagnetic scattering in homogeneous media
developed by choosing an electric field and its normal derivative as the boundary unknowns.

  • Link (17 Dec 2012)

Scuff-EM libraries for Boundary-Element Analysis of 3D and 2D Electromagnetic Scattering Problems by by M T Homer Reid.

  • Link (7 Jan 2012) offline
  • Link (10 May 2022)

BBMM (Bare Bones Method of Moments solver) by Sanjay Velamparambil is a simple, fast multipole accelerated, electric field integral equation (EFIE) solver for free space electromagnetic scattering problems. It can handle perfectly conducing objects in free space modeled using flat triangles.

The Method of Moment (MoM) has been used for solving the problem of scattering by a three dimensional body of revolution. Mathematica code printed in

Muath Gouda: The method of moment for the electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution. Master’s Degree Thesis, University College of Borås, Borås, 2008.

  • Link (19 Oct 2009)

GLMoM by Yaxun Liu is an open-sourceelectromagnetic field simulator using Method of Moments. It has a MFC/OpenGL-based GUI and can simulate and visualize scattering and radiation problems in homogeneous and multilayered media.

  • Link (25 Sep 2009)

Java application by Michael A. Lee and Kevin E. Schmidt to compute the scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave from a thin conducting wire.

MOM3D by Shaeffer, John F. is a FORTRAN Method of Moments Code for electromagnetic scattering analysis of open or closed 3-D perfectly conducting or resistive surfaces.

MOM3D FORTRAN program for scattering analysis of open or closed 3d conducting or resistive surfaces.

UNIX version LAR-15074, MS-DOS version LAR-15130 available from

COSMIC, University of Georgia, 382 East Broad Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA.

The Nyström technique was applied in order to solve the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) in the TM case and the Magnetic Field Integral Equation (MFIE) in the TE case. Fortran and Matlab programs printed in W. Todd Doughty: Roughness correction model for reflection from perfectly conducting scatterers. Bachelor of Science Thesis, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University, August 2008.

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