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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

QPMS (standing for QPMS Photonic Multiple Scattering) is a T-matrix based toolkit for frequency-domain simulations of photonic systems consisting of compact objects (particles) inside a homogeneous medium.

  • Link (25 Aug 2024)


nanobem is a Matlab toolbox for the solution of Maxwell's equations for metallic and dielectric nanoparticles using a Galerkin boundary element method (BEM) approach.


Lunar corona simulation

  • Link (22 Jan 2014)

Code Fortran Mie Theory by Marchant Benjamin.
Code pour calculer les proprietes optiques d'une sphere (theorie de Lorenz-Mie)
En sortie: Qe, W0, g, P11, P12/P11, P33/P11 et -P34/P11

Reference: Hong Du: Mie-Scattering Calculation, Applied Optics, Vol. 43, Issue 9, pp. 1951-1956 (2004)


Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Using Discrete Sources

Adrian Doicu, Yuri Eremin and Thomas Wriedt


Fortran program by Jiuzhi Xue and D. Pine to calculate the transport mean free path listed in the thesis by Peter D. Kaplan: Optical Studies of the Structure and Dynamics of Opaque Colloids. University of Pennsylvania, Dissertation, 1993.

  • Link (28 Oct 2011)


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