Various codes by Michael F. Modest to compute radiative heat transfer.
Link 11 Jun 2011
WINSPALL is a PC based software which computes the reflectivity of optical multilayer systems. It is based on the Fresnel equations and the matrix formalism. It can be used to analyze surface plasmon experiments. WINSPALL was developed in the Wolfgang Knoll group.
This applet calculates the normalized (divided by volume and permittivity of free space) the polarizabilities of dielectric particles, by Mikko Pitkonen and Ari Sihvola.
NLOS Multiscatter (Non-line-of-sight multiple-scatter propagation model) by Hongwei Yin. Matlab code to compute optical propagation based on a Monte Carlo model.
A Matlab program, that models scattering using modified DDA calculation and the zeroeth degree radiative transfer theory. Matlab code printed in:
Timo Piepponen: Numerical modelling of the backscattering of dual-polarization weather radar. Master’s Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki 2009.
Open PaperOpt is a open source Monte Carlo light scattering tool for particle level simulation of light scattering including the BRDF of generated paper structures. By Ludovic Gustafsson Coppel, Per Edström, and Mikael Lindquister.
Pol-MC by Daniel Côté, Alex Vitkin and Brian Wilson is a three-dimensional polarization-sensitive Monte Carlo algorithm for tissue optics.
EMpy (Electromagnetic Python) is a suite of algorithms widely knonw and used in electromagnetic problems and optics: the transfer matrix algorithm, the rigorous coupled wave analysis algorithm and more.
MATLAB code for TM wave scattering on PEC and dielectric cylinder by Jesper Oppelstrup.
Collection of R packages for specific tasks related to physics, optics, photonics, plasmonics, liquid crystals by Baptiste Auguie and Steph Cornford. The package includes CDA (Coupled dipole approximation) , Mie scattering for a sphere and a coated sphere, Wrapper for ADDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation code), Null-Field Method (T-matrix), coupled dipole approximation.