Special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) dedicated to Peter Waterman.
Peter Waterman (1928–2012) is the creator of the T-matrix method and one of the pioneers of the theory of multiple scattering of electromagnetic and acoustic waves by multi-particle systems. To commemorate his landmark contributions to science and his profound and lasting impact on JQSRT, there will be a special issue of JQSRT titled “Peter C. Waterman and his scientific legacy”.
This special issue will contain original scientific papers as well as comprehensive reviews. All contributions will be peer-reviewed according to standard JQSRT procedures.
We especially encourage theoretical and applied papers related to or based on the T-matrix method and its computer implementations as well as papers on the theory of multiple scattering of waves and its applications. Papers analyzing various aspects of the T-matrix method and its relation to other theoretical methodologies are welcome.
The submission deadline is 15 October 2012. All manuscripts should be submitted via the JQSRT on-line Editorial System at http://ees.elsevier.com/jqsrt/default.asp .
For more details see http://www.giss.nasa.gov/staff/mmishchenko/Waterman_Announcement.pdf