Abshere by Kuan Fang Ren is based on the rigorous theory to calculate various physical quantities in the interaction of a light beam with a homogeneous spherical particle or with a concentric layered refractive index gradient. ABSphere allows to calculate: (1) scattering diagrams, (2) radiation pressure (force) and torque exerted by a beam of light on the particle, (3). internal and external electromagnetic fields, (4). extinction, scattering and absorption sections. The forms of the beam considered in ABSphere: (1) circular Gaussian beam. (2) elliptical Gaussian beam. (3) Dungnut beam of 4 different polarizations, (4). Bessel beam (5).
- Link (31 Jul 2015, 23 Sept 2021)

EMUstack is an open-source simulation package for calculating light propagation through multi-layered stacks of dispersive, lossy, nanostructured, optical media. It implements a generalised scattering matrix method, which extends the physical intuition of thin film optics to complex structures.

JEM3D ist an FEM solver by Jeffrey M. McMahon which solves the vector wave equation for the electric or magnetic field directly.

JaSTA: Java Superposition T-matrix App. is a Java Application for the Superposition T-matrix Code to Study the Optical Properties of Cosmic Dust Aggregates.

ddscat-inputgen by Justin E Moore generates roughened spheres and spheroids geometries via Monte Carlo for DDSCAT simulation.

S4 (or simply S4) stands for Stanford Stratified Structure Solver, a frequency domain code to solve the linear Maxwell’s equations in layered periodic structures. Internally, it uses Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis (RCWA; also called the Fourier Modal Method (FMM)) and the S-matrix algorithm.

BIM-Sim: broadband interactive Mie-scattering simulator
BIM-Sim is a software package for simulating electromagnetic interactions with spherical scatterers. The software takes into account the entire imaging process, including (a) focusing optics used to produce an incident electromagnetic field, (b) the interaction of the incident field with multiple spheres, and (c) the focusing optics and detector used for imaging.

Compute Mie scattering in Julia. Mie scattering is the scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a homogeneous sphere. Based on a Fortran code by Karri Muinonen.
using MieScatter
S, Qsca, Qext, Qback = compute_mie(x, m, N)
S, Qsca, Qext, Qback = compute_mie(x, m, list_of_angles)
MAGMAS stands for: Model for the Analysis of General Multilayered Antenna Structures. MAGMAS is a software framework developed for the analysis of general planar structures. It was developed in cooperation with the European Space Agency ESA. The MAGMAS solution engine has been written in Fortran 90 and tested on HP-UX, Sun Solaris and Linux platforms.

Calculating Cluster Hologram Residuals
Code by Jerome Fung is provided to calculate residuals between an experimentally recorded hologram of 3 polystyrene spheres (benttrimer.txt) and model holograms computed from guesses for the refractive index, radius, and x, y, and z coordinates of each sphere.
