Mie@2Media- Interface, Mie Scattering at interfaces This program (MATLAB CODE) uses approximations and interpolation methods in order to describe Mie Scattering of a nanoparticle at an interface.
FMPS (Fast Multi-Particle Scattering) Software
A variety of problems in applied physics and engineering require the solution of Maxwell's equations in complex micro-structured materials. FMPS combines high-order accurate integral equation methods with classical multiple scattering theory. It assumes only that the material consists of an isotropic background in which are dispersed a large number of micro- or nano-scale metallic or dielectric inclusions.

GMES is a free Python package for FDTD electromagnetic simulations.

Crowd funding for science projects.
Link (28 Jul 2013)

Computing T-Matrices of arbitrary objects by M T Homer Reid. This code is not restricted to rotationally symmetric scatteres.
- Link ( 5 Jul 2013, 31 Jul 2015) offline
- Link (10 May 2022)

Control and applications of light at the nanoscale meeting. September, 2-3 2013, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Invited talks will be given by distinguished international speakers on topics including surface enhanced spectroscopy, nonlinear nanophotonics, surface plasmon resonance and near field optical detection and excitation.
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The special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) dedicated to Peter Waterman is now available.
Peter Waterman (1928–2012) is the creator of the T-matrix method and one of the pioneers of the theory of multiple scattering of electromagnetic and acoustic waves by multi-particle systems. To commemorate his landmark contributions to science and his profound and lasting impact on JQSRT, a special issue of JQSRT titled “Peter C. Waterman and his scientific legacy” has been published.
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DDSCAT File Conversion Tool by John Feser converts wavefront .obj files to DDSCAT shape files.

Generalized Multipole Techniques for Electromagnetic and Light Scattering
Volume 4 in Computational Methods in Mechanics
Edited by Thomas Wriedt
