International conference on Laser-light and Interactions withParticles (LIP2022)
(LIP2022) to be held in Warsaw, Poland, on August 21-26th, 2022.
Abstract submission ends..........................March 25th, 2022

Gaussian beam without approximation
We use the angular spectrum representation to compute exactly the Gaussian beam close to the waist (w0) in the case of highly nonparaxial field (w0<λ). The computation is done in the vectorial case for a polarized Gaussian beam. In the area of the waist, the contribution of the propagating and evanescent waves is discussed. Moreover, the Gaussian wave is developed in terms of series, which permits to get analytical expressions for both propagating and evanescent waves when the observation is close to the waist.
Generalized Lorenz Mie Repository
This repository holds code for calculating optical fields and forces on spherical particles in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory.

Discrete dipole approximation implementation in Python by Pavel Dmitriev.
Reimplementation of DDA-SI (DDA with planar surface interaction) https://code.google.com/p/dda-si/
This is a simple code that implements a generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) solver for electromagnetic scattering from spherically-symmetric bodies.

Julia implementation of Mie theory for nanophotonics by Hinamoto, Tatsuki.

Python routines for tracking and characterizing colloidal particles with in-line holographic video microscopy (HVM)

Multi Spheres T-matrix Studio
Python wrapper for multiple sphere T-matrix (MSTM) code and Mie theory to calculate surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectrum and fit it to experiment.

IF-DDA Idiot Friendly-Discrete dipole approximation
IF-DDA is a numerical tool for solving the electromagnetic scattering problem in three dimensions. IF-DDA is based on the DDA (discrete dipole approximation) which is a volume-integral equation method.

A Onelab model for 3D scattering problems in nanophotonics. The T-matrix of an isolated scatterer of arbitrary shape can be computed.
