Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2025
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
17 + 18 March 2025
Registration by sending title of talk: 1 Feb. 2025
LATEX and LyX template for abstracts. Deadline 1 March 2025
Travel and Hotel information
Proceedings 2025
Preliminary list of talks
Ivan Lopushenko: Symbolic Mie solver for mesoscopic electrodynamics
Mattia Andrini: Linking the polystyrene nanoparticles’ morphology to the refractive index by Mie scattering modelling of UV-vis spectra
Alfred Weber: In situ optical analysis of nanobubble formation and detachment from nanoparticle aggregates
Günter Kewes: A tiny Drude scatterer can accurately model a coherent emitter in nanophotonics
Paulo Sergio Piva: Acoustic waves in layered material filled with random particulate
Baris Ates: Scattering of Plane Waves from Nonspherical Conducting Obstacles: Towards a Dataset applicable to all irregular smooth shapes for accurate computations.
Maxim Yurkin: Computing the T-matrix of arbitrarily shaped scatterers: addatmatrix wrapper for the ADDA code
Clément Argentin: Synergistic use of ADDA and IF-DDA to enhance iterative solvers in the discrete dipole approximation
Anastasiya Derkachova: Plasmonic noble metal nanospheres and hot-carriers: optimal parameters of nanospheres to increase the efficiency of harvesting solar energy in diverse materials
Gennadiy Derkachov: Temporal evolution of the internal structure of an evaporating droplet of suspension reflected in the distribution of the intensity of scattered light
Paul Bouillon: First results of using weighted discretization in the ADDA code
Christopher Wirth: Evanescent wave scattering from anisotropic colloidal particles
Nikita Ustimenko: Optimal center for the multipole expansion in compact acoustic scatterers
Jochen Wauer: Light scattering on Janus spheres
Olga Kochanowska: Sensitivity of optical resonances in hyperbolic nanoparticles to the external medium
Mirza Karamehmedovic: A Modified Born Series for Near-Field Scattering Computations
Jonas Gienger: Glare points of spheroidal microparticles – simulation study
Mariia Poleva: Multi-Scale Simulations for Predicting the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecular Structures
Mathias Perrin: A multipolar approach to control opto-mechanical interactions in levitodynamics with complex wavefronts
Halil Ibrahim Yazici: Elastic light scattering for online characterization of gas-phase synthesized few-layer graphene particles
Kristina Frizyuk: Total angular momentum conversion in the process of harmonic generation by nanoparticles
Andrey Evlyukhin: Features of the analytical dipole approximation to the description of inclined light reflection from dielectric metasurfaces
Ludger Klinkenbusch: Spherical-Multipole Analysis of the Diffraction of a Uniform Complex-Source Beam by a Circular Aperture
Andreas Petersen: Kinetic Mie-based size and localized density measurements of grains in particle-forming, reactive, low pressure plasmas
Alexander Schmitz: High-precision imaging polarimetry as diagnostics for plasma-grown nanoparticles: Potential and Challenges
Ari Sihvola: Mie scattering by particles with active dielectric response
Llorenc Cremonesi Plaja: Multiparametric characterisation of aerosols by light scattering
Luca Teruzzi: Single-Particle Extinction and Scattering (SPES) and beyond: improving the multiparametric light scattering
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