Yuri Eremin, Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt
The numerical scheme of the discrete sources method to analyze 3D plasmonic nanostructures accounting for the non-local effect
Journal of Computational Physics Volume 388, 1 July 2019, Pages 357-370
- Link free until May 17, 2019
Onelab Electromagnetic Scattering
Onelab model for solving various 3D electromagnetic scattering problems on an isolated object. Onelab (Open Numerical Engineering LABoratory) is an open-source, lightweight interface to finite element software. The T-matrix of an isolated scatterer of arbitrary shape can be computed.

ERMES (Electric Regularized Maxwell Equations with Singularities) is a finite element code in frequency domain which implements in C++ a simplified version of the weighted regularized Maxwell equation method.

Bempp is a computational boundary element platform to solve electrostatic, acoustic and electromagnetic problems.

FDTD++ is advanced, fully featured finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software, with included C++ source code and a number of features not found in any other software.

pyGDM is a python toolkit for full-field electro-dynamical simulations and evolutionary optimization of nanostructures by Peter R. Wiecha. Is is based based on the Green dyadic method (GDM).

Diogenes, A DG-based software suite for nano-optics
Diogenes is a software suite designed for the resolution of nano-optics problems. It exploits the Discontineous Galerkin (DG) method.

XLiFE++ is an FEM-BEM C++ code developed by P.O.e.m.s. laboratory and I.R.M.A.R. laboratory, that can solve 1D / 2D / 3D, scalar / vector, transient / stationnary / harmonic problems.
It includes Boundary Elements methods for Maxwell equations.

Broadband Interactive Mie Simulator (BIM-Sim)
BIM-Sim is a software package for simulating electromagnetic interactions with spherical scatterers.
