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The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.


broken links updated (16 April 2019)
In 1908 Gustav Mie published his famous paper on the colour of Gold colloids. This paper is still much cited today.
In this web page we try to collect information on the various activities that intend to somehow celebrate this hundred years of Mie's theory.


  • Mie Theory 1908 - 2008, Present developments and interdisciplinary aspects of light scattering, Halle, Germany 15.-16. 9. 2008. (21.2.2008). Proceedings: T. Wriedt, W. Hergert (editors): Mie Theory 1908-2008. Present developments and interdisciplinary aspects of light scattering. Universität Bremen, Bremen 2008.
  • Light scattering: Mie and more. Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF) Conference 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2 to 3, 2008.

Mie's original paper and translations

  • Gustav Mie: Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallösungen. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 25, 1908, No. 3, p 377-445.
  • Gustav Mie: Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallösungen. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 25, 1908, No. 3, p 377-445.
  • Gustav Mie: Contributions to the optics of turbid media, particularly of colloidal metal solutions. Royal Aircraft Establishment, Library Translation 1873, 1976, RAE-Lit-Trans-1873.
  • Gustav Mie: Contributions on the optics of turbid media, particularly colloidal metal solutions --- Translation. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1978, SAND78-6018. National Translation Center, Chicago, ILL, Translation 79-21946.
  • Gustav Mie: Consideraciones sobre la óptica de los medios turbios, especialmente soluciones coloidales; Traducción: Arturo Quirantes Sierra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • typos in the original text found by Arturo Quirantes Sierra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Papers on Gustav Mie and Mie's theory

Web pages

  • Mie Translation Project by Arturo Quirantes Sierra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Historic Papers
  • A Short History of Physics in Greifswald
  • Mathematics Genealogy Project, Gustav Mie
  • Gustav-Mie-Haus, Hochhaus der Fakultät für Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau

Wikipedia pages

Contact and more information
Thomas Wriedt

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