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The Seventh International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-13

Ilica Hotel, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey

2-8 June, 2013

The Seventh International Symposium on Radiative Transfer will be held in Cesme, a resort town on the Aegean Coast of Turkey near the metropolitan city, Izmir.

For further information, see http://www.ichmt.org/rad-13



Radiation 2013 is built on the success of five previous meetings held in Kusadasi, 1995, 1997, in Antalya, 2001, in Istanbul, 2004, in Bodrum, 2007 and in Antalya, 2010. As before, the main objective of the Symposium is to bring together scientists and engineers involved in radiative transfer research and to provide a relaxed atmosphere for in-depth discussion of theory, experiments, and applications.

This meeting will honor Professors Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Gilles Flamant, and Shigenao Maruyama who have made significant contributions to the field of Radiation Transfer and the international technical community.



A wide range of topics related to classical and emerging areas of radiative transfer and their applications will be covered, including:

  • Novel numerical, analytical and hybrid techniques for the solution of radiation transfer equation in multidimensional and complex geometries.
  • Radiative transfer in optically complex media (anisotropic properties, graded index, etc.).
  • Advanced radiative transfer models for industrial and combustion system including furnaces, IC engines, gas turbines.
  • Radiative properties of gases, particles, agglomerates and non-homogenous structures.
  • Interaction of radiation with conduction, convection, turbulence, chemical kinetics, and soot formation.
  • Inverse solution techniques in radiation applications.
  • Innovative application of radiative transfer for improved manufacturing processes.
  • Fundamentals and applications of radiative transfer to remote sensing.
  • Radiative transfer in atmospheres and oceans.
  • Biomedical applications of radiation transfer
  • Nano- and micro-scale radiative transfer.
  • Radiative transfer-based diagnostic systems.



The Symposium will have both stand-up presentations of contributed papers and poster presentations.

All contributed papers will be published by Begell House, Inc., in a proceedings volume and will be available in the form of CD-ROM to the participants at the registration. A set of keynotes and contributed papers will be selected for post conference publication in a special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

The Symposium will also include poster sessions to allow the researchers to discuss their most recent work in a relaxed atmosphere. The abstracts of these papers will be included in a book of Poster Session Abstracts. Full papers are not required for the posters.