LIP Conference (Light Interaction with Particles) 2026
will take place from July 5 to 10, 2026, in Rouen, France.
Abstract submission ends........................ January 15th, 2026.

20th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering
The 20th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering which will take place 14-19 May 2023 in Almuñecar, Spain.
- Registration opening: Friday October 14th 2022.
- Abstracts submission deadline: Friday, March 3rd, 2023
- Early-bird registration: Friday March 17th 2023.
The 19th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference
The 19th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XIX) will be held at the ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, from 29 June - 3 July 2020.
19th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference is postponed to 5-9 July 2021.
Deadline for abstracts 15. March 2020
International conference on Laser-light and Interactions withParticles (LIP2022)
(LIP2022) to be held in Warsaw, Poland, on August 21-26th, 2022.
Abstract submission ends..........................March 25th, 2022

13th International Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles
postponed to *August 21-26, 2022*,Warsaw, Poland

Detailed Information about upcoming and past conferences.