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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

FracVAL is an improved tunable algorithm of cluster-cluster aggregation for generation of fractal structures formed by polydisperse primary particles.

Crystal Creator is a crystal shape modelling tool for numerical electromagnetics simulations such as DDSCAT and A-DDA.

  • Link (26 Aug 2024)

Soot-dem-gui is a soot aggregate mechanics software package with a graphical user interface. This program uses discrete element method to simulate formation and restructuring of soot aggregates.


RETOP is an open-source Matlab toobox that implements a near-to-far-field transformation for computing radiation diagrams.

  • Link (24 Aug 2024)



PyXOpto is a collection of Python tools for performing Monte Carlo simulations of light propagation in turbid media using massively parallel processing on a wide range of OpenCL-enabled devices.

  • Link (23 March 2023)


Photonic Materials Cloud

Create, browse, and compare photonic materials, their dispersion, and light-matter interaction online!


The PyScatman module is a tool to perform a wide-angle coherent diffraction simulation, based on the Multi-Slice Fourier Transform (MSFT) approach.

  • Link (18 Jul 2022)


Jolab is a free and open-source Julia package to simulate light propagation in optical systems. The package implements rigorous, full-wave optical models to simulate light propagation on setups. The package is built to be easily usable by any user independent of its background in theoretical optics.



PyFocus is a Python package that provides high-level functions and an user interface to perform full vectorial calculations of the focus of an electromagnetic field that has been modulated by a custom phase mask.

  • Link (31 Jan 2022)

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