2D FDTD Mini Simulation

Focus field calculations
In analogy to the classical Debye formulation and the seminal work by Wolf and Richards, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. reformulated the calculation of the electromagnetic field in the focus of high numerical aperture objectives based on a Fourier or chirp z transform.

HoloRec3D: Digital Holography Matlab Toolbox

SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust Matlab T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering

Series: ScattPort Series, Vol. 3 Wriedt, Thomas (Ed.) Light Scattering by Particles, Theoretical and Practical Aspects epubli, Berlin 2016, Softcover 20,00 € ISBN: 9783741848797

WOLFSIM- Wideband Optical FDTD Simulator

nanoDDSCAT+ combines the Discrete Dipole Scattering (DDSCAT) tool with the DDAConvert tool for a single workflow for custom shapes.

nanoDDSCAT calculate scattering and absorption of light by targets with arbitrary geometries and complex refractive index.

Maxwell2D: Animations of electromagnetic waves
This page contains animations of numerical solutions to Maxwell's equations in a 2D domain (using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method, FDTD).

layerlab: A Python-based toolbox for computations involving layered materials.