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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2024

Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany

18 + 19 March 2024

Registration by sending title of talk: 1 Feb. 2024

LATEX and LyX template for abstracts. Deadline 1 March 2024

Travel and Hotel information



Preliminary list of talks

  • Gerhard Kristensson: Sum rules and physical bounds for a particulate slab.
  • Alexander V. Kildishev: Ultimate multipole expansion centers.
  • Thomas Wriedt: Null-Field Method with discrete sources, a review.
  • Christopher Wirth: Azimuthally Resolved Evanescent Wave Scattering from a Colloidal Ellipsoid.
  • Evangelos Almpanis: The Photonic Layer Multiple Scatterig Method for Space-Time Periodic Structures.
  • Stuart C. Hawkin: A numerically stable electromagnetic T-matrix algorithm. 
  • Franz Kanngießer: Calculating multi-wavelength depolarisation ratios of mineral dust using spheroids.
  • Ivan Lopushenko: Addressing scattering in mesoscopic electrodynamics with computer algebra approaches.
  • Nicolas Brosseau-Habert: DADI and reverse-DADI methods: computation of the UV-visible spectra of two coalesced soot particles from atomistic information
  • Maxim Vavilin: Polychromatic T-Matrix: Computing interaction between light pulses and moving objects
  • Yuri Eremin: Influence of surface quantum effects on the optical characteristics of alkali and noble metal nanoparticles.
  • Jiajie Wang: Light scattering by non-spherical particles and its application in detection of single dust particle
  • Marvin Degen: An accurate and efficient recursive T-matrix algorithm without violating the addition theorem
  • Gennadiy Derkachov: Possible scenarios of nanoparticles aggregation in an evaporating droplet of suspension: a numerical model helps to understand the scattered light intensity evolution
  • Anastasiya Derkachova: Accurate Refractive index measurements - chromatic dispersion and thermal coefficient - for Mie theory-based scatterometry.
  • Christof Holzer: Quantum mechanics meets T-matrix: Linear and non-linear models
  • Jonas Gienger: Glare Points in Laser Flow Cytometry
  • Olga Kochanowska: Control of optical response of finite hyperbolic metamaterials
  • Ivan Fernandez Corbaton: A polychromatic theory of thermal emission based on the T-matrix
  • Ludmila Prokopeva: Wave propagation in dispersive media with inhomogeneous broadening: analytical models and numerical implementation
  • Gerard Berginc: Theoretical formalism of coherent and incoherent scattering and transport of electromagnetic waves in nanoscale discrete disordered media bounded by randomly rough surfaces
  • Dmitry Efremenko: Light scattering imaging model for total internal reflection microscopy
  • Ege Şükrü Tahmaz: The Description and Verification of Thermal Discrete Dipole Approximation Module BUTDDA with Surface Interactions
  • Lingxi Li: Simulation of Light Scattering in Porous Polyethylene for Radiative Cooling Applications
  • ...


This time we would like to have a focus on multiple particle scattering and experiments such as ..

  • T-Matrix Methods
  • Generalized Multipole Methods
  • Discrete Dipole Approximation
  • Particle surface scattering interaction
  • Evanescent wave scattering
  • Near field enhancement
  • Plasmonics
  • Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the low loss region

Former Workshops

DDA Workshop 2007

Null-Field Method 2008

Near field computation 2010

Nano structures on surfaces 2012

Inverse problems and numerical methods in applications 2012

Light Scattering: Simulation and inversion 2013

Scattering by Aggregates (on Surfaces) 2014

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2015

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2016

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2017

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2019

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2018

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2020

Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2021

Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2022

Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2023


If you are interested to participate in the workshop please send an email with the title of your talk to register by 1 Feb. 2024. If you like to present a talk or present some input for discussion please send a four page abstract  to one of the organizers by 1 March 2024 using this LATEX and LyX template.
You may offcourse also participate without having a talk. Please send an email by 1 Feb. 2024.


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start at 9.00 on 18.3.2024

end at 17.00 on 19.3.2024

duration for talks 20 mins + 10 mins discussion

There will be a preregistration meeting in Bremen city center on Sunday 17.3.2024 at about 19:00. 


Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT

Room FZB1250
Badgasteiner Str. 3
28359 Bremen


The proceedings and the final program will be sent by email prior to the workshop.


There will be no fee.

Organizing Committee

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Process & Chemical Engineering, Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany

Jonas Gienger, Department 8.3 Biomedical Optics, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany

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