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New paper

The Discrete Dipole Approximation: A Review
Patrick Christian Chaumet

  • Link (5 Sept 2024)

Transition matrix of a nonspherical layered particle in the non-local optical response theory

Give peace a chance!

Yuri Eremin, Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt

The numerical scheme of the discrete sources method to analyze 3D plasmonic nanostructures accounting for the non-local effect

Journal of Computational Physics Volume 388, 1 July 2019, Pages 357-370

  • Link  free until May 17, 2019

Generalization of the Optical Theorem to an Arbitrary Multipole Excitation of a Particle near a Transparent Substrate

by Yuri A. Eremin and Thomas Wriedt

Analysis of the scattering properties of 3D non-spherical plasmonic nanoparticles accounting for non-local effects

Yuri A. Eremin, Thomas Wriedt & Wolfram Hergert

Journal of Modern Optics 2018

  • Link (31 May 2018)


Discrete sources method for modeling of the influence of the non-local effect on the absorption of bimetallic core-shell non-spherical plasmonic nanoparticles
Yuri Eremin, Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 277 (2021) 107994

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Discrete sources method for modeling the nonlocal optical response of a nonspherical particle dimer

Yuri Eremin, Adrian Doicu„, Thomas Wriedt…

JQSRT 2018