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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

Series: ScattPort Series, Vol. 3
Wriedt, Thomas (Ed.)
Light Scattering by Particles, Theoretical and Practical Aspects
epubli, Berlin 2016, Softcover 20,00 €
ISBN: 9783741848797

Crowd funding for science projects.

Link (28 Jul 2013)


Series: ScattPort Series, Vol. 2
Wriedt, Thomas (Ed.)
Light Scattering by Complex Particles
epubli, Berlin 2015, Softcover 24,90 €
ISBN: 9783737571937

Interview with Warren Wiscombe on scientific programing and his
contributions to atmospheric science tool making.
by Piotr J. Flatau

Scattering by Aggregates on Surfaces

Series: ScattPort Series, Vol. 1
Wriedt, Thomas; Eremin, Yuri (Eds.)
epubli, Berlin 2014, Softcover 31,59 €
ISBN: 9783844299441

The special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) dedicated to Peter Waterman is now available.

Peter Waterman (1928–2012) is the creator of the T-matrix method and one of the pioneers of the theory of multiple scattering of electromagnetic and acoustic waves by multi-particle systems. To commemorate his landmark contributions to science and his profound and lasting impact on JQSRT, a special issue of JQSRT titled “Peter C. Waterman and his scientific legacy” has been published.

Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments like Matlab.

  • Link (21 Feb 2014)


Generalized Multipole Techniques for Electromagnetic and Light Scattering

Volume 4 in Computational Methods in Mechanics

Edited by Thomas Wriedt


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