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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.


Edwolf by Kevin Guangran Zhu is an electromagnetic simulator for scattering problems based on the finite-difference time-domain method. The code is writen in C++ with extensive use of design patterns.

  • Link (17 Jan 2011)


Simple finite-difference time-domain Sfdtd by Paul Panserrieu is the squeleton of an end-user 3D-FDTD code and has been implemented for the comparison of various open boundary conditions in a traditional cubic grid. The code simulates an electric dipole in free space, which means that there is no material implementation.



EMWave2D by Wayan Sudiarta is a program for simulating 2D electromagnetic wave propagation. EMWave2D is based on solving the Maxwell’s equations by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method.





Educational FDTD 3d software by Salvador González García





FDTD code generators employing Mathematica by Salvador González García.



C++ Lattice software by Wolfgang Orthuber to investigate discretized Maxwell equations and other discretized systems.

MAXDGTD-2D is a discontinuous Galerkin code for solving Maxwell's equations in the time-domain by Hassan Fahs.  A Fortran90 version will be available in January 2011.

  • Link (15 Non 2010)

In this web page, the conventional and high accuracy nonstandard (NS) finite difference time domain (FDTD) algrotihms and its programs and demonstrations are presented.

  • Link (22 Sep 2010)

2D domain  Finite-Difference Time-Domain method, FDTD program by Robin Hogan.

  • Link (17 Jun 2010)

A free (for non-commercial purposes) Transmission Line Matrix Method (TLM) simulator with an open source graphical user interface by Petr Lorenz.

  • Link (16 Mar 2009)

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