A three-dimensional accelerated FDTD (finite-difference time-domain) solver based on GPU (graphics card) technology.
A FDTD C++ code with Matlab output.
On this page, a Windows- and a Linux distribution with a precompiled binary of a FDTD program will be released, by Kazuhiro Fujimor.
A free parallel electromagnetic eigensolver which can compute eigenmodes for arbitrary 3d waveguide structures, cavities, and photonic crystals.
By Steven G. Johnson
CAvity Modelling FRamework is a fast, flexible, friendly full-vectorial Maxwell solver. Although it can tackle general electromagnetic problems, its main focus is on applications in the field of photonics.
By Peter Bienstman

A versatile 3D electromagnetic field simulator. It is based upon the powerful 3D-Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD). Plane wave excitation with/without conducting ground can be used for bistatic scattering cross section calculation of arbitrary dielectric or metalic structures. A 3D Graphical User Interface is included in the basic module.
Commercial, university license.
A borehole electromagnetic simulator, solving a comprehensive nondipolar formulation devised for layered anisotropic media with dip. It is based on the finite difference methods.
FDTDA.FOR by Raymond J. Luebbers listed in
Karl S.Kunz, Raymond J. Luebbers, Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics, CRC Press, Boca Raton 1993.
Commercial X-Windows version available from Remcom Inc.
The Temporal Scattering and Response (TSAR) suite is a 3-D cubical cell FDTD program, based on Yee´s algorithm, which works in conjunction with the BRL-CAD solid modeler for object definition.
The TSAR suite consits of ANA, a mesh generator; IMAGE, a mesh viewer; SETUP_TSAR, a menu-based problem definition code; TSAR the FDTD solver; and a few simple post- processors.
TSAR is available at a nominal fee to U.S. government agencies, and to U.S. government contractors interested in collaborative efforts. Interested parties may contact
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94551, USA.
MAFIA commercial 3D ECAE program (commercial, university license) available from
CST AG, Bad Nauheimer Str. 19, 4289 Darmstadt, Germany.
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