PyTMatrix, by Jussi Leinonen, A Python code for computing the scattering properties of homogeneous nonspherical scatterers with the T-Matrix method.
A java app of Mackwoski and Mishchenko's Superposition T-matrix code for studying the light scattering properties of cosmic dust aggregates. The Java Superposition T-matrix App (JaSTA) software package consists of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in the front hand and a database of related data’s in the back hand. JaSTA provides a unique and very much user friendly GUI that guides the user at each and every step. It is freely downloadble.
GSvit - open source software FDTD solver with graphics card computing support by Petr Klapetek.

BEM++ is a modern open-source C++/Python boundary element library. It contains a submodule relevant to the implementation of boundary operators and potential operators related to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations in 3D for a region with a uniform scalar permittivity and permeability. The main coding team consists of Simon Arridge, Timo Betcke, Richard James, Nicolas Salles, Martin Schweiger and Wojciech Smigaj.

T-Matrix based HPC software by N. C. Panoiu for massively parallel simulation of 3D electromagnetic nano-structures.

Discrete Dipole Scattering C++ code (DDscat.C++) by Vasyl Choliy is a C++ version of the Fortran code DDSCAT for calculating scattering and absorption of light by irregular particles and periodic arrangement of irregular particles.
mstm-gui, Multiple-Sphere T-Matrix with user interface by David Mayerich
- Link (9 Dec 2013, 10 Nov 2014)

e-DDA (electron-driven discrete-dipole approximation) for simulating electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and cathodoluminescence (CL) experiments.

Code Fortran Mie Theory by Marchant Benjamin. Code pour calculer les proprietes optiques d'une sphere (theorie de Lorenz-Mie) En sortie: Qe, W0, g, P11, P12/P11, P33/P11 et -P34/P11
Reference: Hong Du: Mie-Scattering Calculation, Applied Optics, Vol. 43, Issue 9, pp. 1951-1956 (2004)

T matrix code for scattering by homogeneous particles with discrete symmetries by Michael Kahnert. For particle morphologies with geometric symmetries, the code makes use of group theory to systematically simplify the numerical solution to Maxwell's equations.
