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We acknowledge support of this project by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the special program "Themenorientierte Informationsnetzwerke".

The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

The 2012 European Aerosol Conference will be held in the fine city of Granada in the South-east of Spain during the period 2nd-7th September 2012.

  • Link (3 April 2012)

Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen,

Achtung! Neues Datum und Uhrzeit:   14. April 2011, 16.00-18.00 h

Informationsnetzwerke und fachspezifische Wissenschaftsportale zum Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Daten, Computerprogrammen und anderen relevanten elektronischen Ressourcen finden im wissenschaftlichen Bereich eine immer weitere Verbreitung. Die Relevanz von Wissenschaftsportalen zeigt sich auch dadurch, dass der Aufbau von Portalen z. B. von der DFG gefördert wird.

Lasers and Interactions with Particles (LIP), Rouen, France 2012, March 26-30 is a reformatted follow-up of the conferences on Optical Particle Sizing and on Optical Particle Characterization.


13th International SAOT Workshop on Nonlinear Optics and Interfaces

April 26-27, 2011 - Erlangen, Germany

General information
The workshop will address

  • fundamental aspects of nonlinear optics
  • advanced optical techniques for the characterization of interfaces
  • characterization of nanoparticles and colloids using nonlinear optics.

Workshop "Inverse problems and numerical methods in applications"

Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 8. + 9. March 2012


A group photo is available here. The Book of Abstracts can be downloaded here. The programme is available here.

Call for papers

Workshop "Nano structures on surfaces and light scattering"

Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 24. + 25. March 2011

New deadline: 15. Feb. 2011


"Light scattering in an industrial context -

Measurement and simulation"

Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 15. + 16. March 2012


International Workshop on Nanoplasmonics for Energy and the Environment, June 8-10, 2011, Sanxenxo, Spain.

  • Link (14 Sep 2010)

4th Conference on Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media (CTRPM-4). Following the conferences held in Mons (2003), Poitiers (2006) and Lisbon (2009), this fourth edition will be held in Nancy, France, on April 18-20th, 2012.

13th Conference on Electromagnetic & Light Scattering, Sept. 26th to 30th 2011, Taormina, Italy arranged by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Dipartimento di Fisica della Materia e Tecnologie Fisiche Avanzate, Messina, Italia.

Taormina is a small but very fascinating town near Messina, Sicily. Taormina Google maps.



ELS 13



Detailed Information about upcoming and past conferences.
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