Starting from today the parallel Fortran version of the Null-field Method with Discrete Sources (NFM-DS) is available. The NFM-DS is an extension of the Null-field Method (also called T-Matrix Method) to compute light scattering by arbitrarily shaped dielectric particles and particles on a plane interface.
In this web page, the conventional and high accuracy nonstandard (NS) finite difference time domain (FDTD) algrotihms and its programs and demonstrations are presented.

Van de Hulst Light-Scattering Award
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) announces:
We are very pleased to announce that Elsevier has established the Van de Hulst Light-Scattering Award. The Award will be presented every two years and consist of a glass statuette and an official Elsevier certificate.
The Award is meant to celebrate the life-time achievement of an individual scientist who has made a landmark contribution to the research field of electromagnetic scattering by particles and its applications. This Elsevier Award will be administered by the Editors and Publisher of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer.

Online Mie scattering calculator written completely on PHP based on the Fortran code of Bohren-Huffman, by Pavel Zakharov.
Book on the Generalied Lorenz-Mie theory for scattering by a sphere in a Gaussian beam giving full desciption of the theory and FORTRAN programs:
G. Gouesbet, G. Grehan, B. Maheu, K. F. Ren, Electromagnetic Scattering of Shaped Beams (Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory), LESP, CORIA, INSA de Rouen, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, March 19, 1998.

NLOS Multiscatter (Non-line-of-sight multiple-scatter propagation model) by Hongwei Yin. Matlab code to compute optical propagation based on a Monte Carlo model.
Quinten, Michael Optical Properties of Nanoparticle Systems Mie and Beyond
1. Edition - January 2011 129.- Euro 2011. XIV, 488 Pages, Hardcover 320 Fig. (11 Colored Fig.) - Monograph - ISBN-10: 3-527-41043-0 ISBN-13: 978-3-527-41043-9 - Wiley-VCH, Berlin

2D domain Finite-Difference Time-Domain method, FDTD program by Robin Hogan.

Widget to compute light scattering by a sphere dimer by Javier García de Abajo.
- Link (30 Sept 2010, 31 Jul 2015))

The Numerically Determined Steepest Descent Path Package (ND-SDP) is a free MATLAB toolbox for rapid computation of the fields due to an electric or magnetic line-source, operating in the presence of a dielectric (lossless) half-space, that is 2D Sommerfeld integrals are evaluated.
