22 | 10 | 2024


Monte Carlo software and MATLAB toolbox for simulating light transport in biological tissue-

  • Link (28 Dec 2020)

MATLAB code to compute radar cross section (RCS) of sphere-tipped cone based on Physical-Optic Method by Xiaojian Xu.


VCRMEll2D by Kuan Fang Renis the first realization of the Vectorial Complex Ray Model - VCRM developed by the author. By introducing the property of the Wavefront in the geometrical optics model, the VCRM can calculate very precisely the interaction of a wave of any form with a object of smooth surface and size much larger than the wavelength of the incident beam.

  • Link (31 Jul 2015)


Various ray-tracing codes eg. for light scattering from non-spherical particles containing scattering and absorbing inclusions or from polyhedral shaped crystals by Andreas Macke.

  • Link (11 Mar 2009)

MySimLabs is a web site presenting some Open Source MATLAB tools for simulating how light interacts with opaque surfaces, using Monte Carlo ray-tracing methods by David Bergström.

  • Link (4 April 2012)

MCML is a steady-state Monte Carlo simulation program for multi-layered turbid media with an infinitely narrow photon beam as the light source. Each layer has its own optical properties of absorption, scattering, anisotropy, and refractive index.

  • Link (11 Mar 2009)

Siris is a ray-optics light-scattering Fortran program by Karri Muinonen.

  • Link (21 Aug 2009)


Mie GOMsphere is a geometrical-optics program by Xiaobing Zhou to calculate the scattering coefficients and phase function of unpolarized radiation by large dielectric spheres.

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