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RETOP is an free Matlab toobox that implements a near-to-far-field transformation for computing the radiation diagram. RETOP operates for objects on substrates or buried in stratified media.

The Numerically Determined Steepest Descent Path Package (ND-SDP) is a free MATLAB toolbox for rapid computation of the fields due to an electric or magnetic line-source, operating in the presence of a dielectric (lossless) half-space, that is 2D Sommerfeld integrals are evaluated.

  • Link (11 Jun 2010)



Discrete dipole approximation implementation in Python by Pavel Dmitriev.

Reimplementation of DDA-SI (DDA with planar surface interaction) https://code.google.com/p/dda-si/

  • Link (23 Apr 2021)


The Null-field Method with Discrete Sources is an extension of the Null-field Method (also called T-Matrix Method) to compute light scattering by arbitrarily shaped dielectric particles. The Fortran code is inculded on CD with the book:

Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt and Yuri Eremin: Light Scattering by Systems of Particles. Null-Field Method with Discrete Sources -
Theory and Programs. Springer Verlag; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2006.

  • Springer Publisher(14.8.2006)
  • List of Fortran90 Programs on CD-ROM with the book (18.8.2006)
  • Users guide (04.03.2013)
  • Amazon: SEARCH INSIDE this book (18.7.2007)
  • SScaTT
    Superellipsoid Scattering Tool (v.1.1.4) for T-matrix scattering computation by superellipsoids and other abritrary shaped 3D scatterers by T. Wriedt. Windows 98, XP SScaTT paper
  • Particle shapes that might be suitable for SScaTT (9 Dec 2021)
  • For questions please send emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (22.9.2006)
  • new parallel code, users guide (16 Apr 2010)
  • all links updated (9 Dec 2021)

This Matlab program calculates the energy transport of a dipole in a multilayer stack. Coded and developed at MIT by Kemal Celebi and Marc Baldo.

  • Link (14 April 2014)

GF Package (EM Green's function near an interface) written by , J. C. Schotland, and V. A. Markel.

  • Link (10 Dec 2009)

Mie@2Media- Interface, Mie Scattering at interfaces
This program (MATLAB CODE) uses approximations and interpolation methods in order to describe Mie Scattering of a nanoparticle at an interface.

  • Link (23 Sep 2013)

WinXP program by Thomas A. Germer to compute integration of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) over a given solid angles for defects on a plane surface.

  • Link (13 Nov 2009)

Fortran program to calculate the scatter due to particulates on a mirror, printed in

Spyak, Paul Raymond: A cryogenic scatterometer and scatter from particulate contaminants on mirrors. PhD, University of Arizona, 1990.

C++ object class library (SCATMECH) to disseminate simple models for light scattering from smooth surfaces. The library includes routines for scattering from spherical particles (Rayleigh, Rayleigh-Gans, and Mie) and routines for various models of scattering from surfaces. Data types for manipulating different representations for the polarization of light and the polarimetric properties of materials,specifically Mueller matrices, Stokes vectors, and Jones matrices and vectors.

  • Link (27 Nov 2008)
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