ScattPy is an open source Python package for light scattering simulations. Its goal is to provide an easy-to-use and flexible modern framework for the numerical solving of the diffraction problems with various kinds of particles. ScattPy includes the separation of variables (SVM), extended boundary condition (EBCM) and point matching (PMM) methods.

FORTRAN SP-PM (simple point matching) code by Politecnico di Milano for RADAR scattering by axisymmetric rain drops. Theory based on T. Oguchi (1973).
Available by FTP from ESA/ESTEC server.
Fortran code for Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroids by Peter G. Martin.
FORTRAN point matching code by ESA (European Space Agency) for RADAR scattering by axisymmetric rain drops. Theory based on J.A. Morrison, M.J.Cross (1974) and T. Oguchi (1973).
Available by FTP from ESA/ESTEC server.
Classical Fortran 77 code based on a Separation of Variables Method scheme using spheroidal development, kindly made available by Shoji Asano, to compute scattering by spheroidal particles.
Published in:
Shoji Asano and Giichi Yamamoto: Light Scattering by a Spheroidal Particle. Applied Optics, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 29-49 (1975) .
The code, additional information by Shoji Asano and the corresponding paper can be found
- here (local copy on Bremen server) 3 Mar 2011
Fortran program for bistatic scattering by single spheroidal particle available by contacting
Dr. Wei Zhang, Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Radio Communications, Radio Laboratory, Otakaari 5A, FIN 02150 Espoo, Finland
- Tel.: +358 0 451 2255,
- Fax: +358 0 451 2152,
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This code calculates the extinction, scattering and absorption efficiency factors for prolate or oblate homogeneous spheroids. The separation of variables method (SVM) and an original scheme of solution of the light scattering problem are used.