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The page is hosted by the University of Bremen.

MATLAB program CALCMIE_NF calculates the near E and H fields for scattering of a monochromatic wave by a sphere. Printed in

Schäfer, Jan-Patrick: Implementierung und Anwendung analytischer und numerischer Verfahren zur Lösung der Maxwellgleichungen für die Untersuchung der Lichtausbreitung in biologischem Gewebe. Dissertation, Universität Ulm.  Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, 2011.

C language code "TUMiescat.c" for the light scattering computation on spherical particles.

The source code of TUMiescat.c and test data files can be obtained freely by email request to

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See also "Mie scattering computation of spherical particles with very large size parameters using an improved program with variable speed
and accuracy"

3D representation of the scattering of a Gaussian beam by a homogeneous spherical particle based on the far-field version of GLMT to visualize the scattering of a Gaussian beam by a homogeneous, isotropic and spherical particle arbitrarily located in the beam. Supplementary resources with the book:

Gérard Gouesbet and Gérard Gréhan. Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theories. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-17193-2.

  • Link (Nov 7, 2011)

Fortran code by Lamont V. Blake to compute radar cross section of a conductiong sphere.

Various coated sphere or core shell Mie Fortran codes by Thomas P. Ackerman.

  • Link (11 Jul 2011, 31 Jul 2015)

PROBEoptprops is a  MATLAB based graphical user interface (GUI) used to model the optical properties of single metal nanoparticles and uses a modification of the quasi-static approximation. Written by Kaspar Ko.

PROBEoptprops.zip is a graphical user interface (GUI, MATLAB) to model the optical properties of single metal nanoparticles that uses a modification of the quasi-static approximation.

Written by Kaspar Ko for PROBE Lab as a part of an independent study project under the guidance of K.C. Toussaint, Jr. in Summer 2008 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

  • Link (20 Apr 2011)

Online Mie scattering calculator written completely on PHP based on the Fortran code of Bohren-Huffman, by Pavel Zakharov.

  • Link (21 Sept 2010)

LabView Mie scattering program by Martin Fierz.

  • Link (22 Apr 2010)

Scattering of light from small sphere based on WebMathematica by Cheng Zhu and Tal Carmon.

  • Link (16 Apr 2010)

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