Puma-EM is a free, open-source program that performs electromagnetic computations by using the surface method of moments, extended with the Multi Level Fast Multipole Method for memory and CPU efficiency.
Program that represents a generalisation of the above mentioned code available in
B. M. Kolunzija, J.S. Ognjanovic, T.K. Sarkar, WIPL-D - Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Metallic and Diellectric Structures, Software and User's Manual, Artech House, Boston 2000.
Sequential (SEQ_EMCODE.tar) and parallel (PARALLEL_EMCODE.tar) CFIE-FMM (Combined Field Integral Equation - Fast Multipole Method) Time Domain Code for PEC (Perfect Electrically Conducting) scatterers by Balasubramanium Shanker.
The code has originally been developed using the Portland Group (pgcc, pgf90, pgf77) compilers but can easily be adapted for the MinGW C++ and the G95 compilers. Please replace missing SEQ_EMCODE files by versions from PARALLEL_EMCODE. Geometry input files can be generated by converting Wavefront .obj files.
Volume Integral code listed in
Johnson J.H. Wang, Generalized Moment Methods in Electromagnetics, Wiley, New York, 1991.
Parallel unified multipole algorithm for electromagnetics. Provides surface Method of Moments for Electromagnetics, enhanced by using the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method for perfectly electric conducting scatterers (PEC) by Idesbald Van den Bosch.
A moment method surface integral technique modelling a scatterer or antenna by wires.
NEC2 is available by FTP
NEC2 compiled with Lahey Fortran is available from Jos Bergervoet
NEC3 is available by FTP
FORTRAN program printed in
Joseph R. Mautz, Roger F. Harrington, Electromagnetic scattering from a homogeneous body of revolution, Technical Report TR-77-10, Nov. 1977, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA.
A MS-DOS MoM program for conducting bobies is available on disk in
B. M. Kolunzija, J. S. Ognjanovic, T. K. Sarkar, R. F. Harrington, WIPL Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Wire and Plate Structures, Software and User´s Manual, Artech House, Boston 1994.
The Thin Wire Scattering Applet computes scattering by a PEC wire.