Gaussian beam without approximation
We use the angular spectrum representation to compute exactly the Gaussian beam close to the waist (w0) in the case of highly nonparaxial field (w0<λ). The computation is done in the vectorial case for a polarized Gaussian beam. In the area of the waist, the contribution of the propagating and evanescent waves is discussed. Moreover, the Gaussian wave is developed in terms of series, which permits to get analytical expressions for both propagating and evanescent waves when the observation is close to the waist.
MontCarl, Monte-Carlo simulations of light scattering and absorption in turbid media, like tissue.
Transfer Matrix Method implementation & RefractiveIndex.info database (2015-05-24) browser for layered systems of isotropic dielectric materials.
OTS Optical Tweezers Software
OTS is comprehensive MatLab software toolbox to work with optical tweezers by Philip H. Jones, Onofrio M. Maragò & Giovanni Volpe.
HoloRec3D: Digital Holography Matlab Toolbox
1DPyHC: A simple code for 1D plasmonic crystals
A python code to calculate the optical properties of 1D Photonic Crystals by Giovanni Pellegrini.
Focus field calculations
In analogy to the classical Debye formulation and the seminal work by Wolf and Richards, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. reformulated the calculation of the electromagnetic field in the focus of high numerical aperture objectives based on a Fourier or chirp z transform.
py_matrix: A t-matrix code for multilayer structures with arbitrary dielectric tensors
A python implementation of the transfer matrix method for multilayer structures with arbitrary dielectric tensors by Giovanni Pellegrini.
layerlab: A Python-based toolbox for computations involving layered materials.
PAME (Plasmonic Assay Modeling Environment) by Adam Hughes is a graphical Python application for simulating plasmonic biosensors, particularly fiberoptic biosensors with nanoparticles.