Classic Papers on Light Scattering
Electromagnetic scattering by a homogeneous, isotropic sphere is commonly referred to as Mie theory, although Gustav Mie (1868 - 1957) was not the first to formulate this electromagnetic scattering problem. Before him Alfred Clebsch (1833 - 1872), solving the elastic point source scattering problem of a perfectly rigid sphere using potential functions and Ludvig Lorenz (1829-1891) contributed to this problem. In 1909 Peter Debye (1884 - 1966) considered the related problem of radiation pressure on a spherical particle utilizing two scalar potential functions. Therefore plane wave scattering by a homogeneous isotropic sphere is also referred to as Lorenz-Mie theory, or even Lorenz-Mie-Debye theory.
broken links updated (16 April 2019)
- [1] Alfred Clebsch: Ueber die Reflexion an einer Kugelfläche. Journal für Mathematik, Band 61, 1863, Heft 3, p 195-262.
- [2] Ludvig Lorenz: Lysbevaegelsen i og uden for en af plane Lysbolger belyst Kugle. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, 6. Raekke, 6. Bind, 1890,1, p 1-62.
- [3] Ludvig Lorenz: Sur la lumière réfléchie et réfractée par une sphère (surface) transparente. in Oeuvres scientifiques de L. Lorenz. revues et annotées par H. Valentiner. Tome Premier, Libraire Lehmann & Stage, Copenhague, 1898, p 403-529.
- [3a] Ludvig Lorenz: Light propagation in and outside a sphere illuminated by plane waves of light. Translated by Jeppe Revall Frisvad and Helge Kragh (Copenhagen 2018).
- [4] Gustav Mie: Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallösungen. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 25, 1908, No. 3, p 377-445.
- [5] Gustav Mie: Contributions to the optics of turbid media, particularly of colloidal metal solutions. Royal Aircraft Establishment, Library Translation 1873, 1976, RAE-Lit-Trans-1873.
- [6] Gustav Mie: Contributions on the optics of turbid media, particularly colloidal metal solutions --- Translation. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1978, SAND78-6018. National Translation Center, Chicago, ILL, Translation 79-21946.
- [7] Peter Debye: Der Lichtdruck auf Kugeln von beliebigem Material. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 30, 1909, No. 1, p 57-136.
- [8] Arnold Sommerfeld: Über die Ausbreitung der Wellen in der drahtlosen Telegraphie. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 28, 1909, No. 4, p 665-736.
- [9] A. E. H. Love: The scattering of electric waves by a dielectric sphere. Proc. London Math. Soc. v. 30 (1899) p. 308-321.
- [10] Fantisek Záviška: Über die Beugung elektromagnetischer Wellen an parallelen, unendlich langen Kreiszylindern. Annalen der Physik Folge 4, Band 40, p. 1023–1056.
- [11] J. V. Dave: Subroutines for Computing the Parameters of the Electromagnetic Radiation Scattered by a Sphere, Report 320-3237 IBM Scientific Center, Palo Alto, Calif., (1968).

broken links updated (16 April 2019) In 1908 Gustav Mie published his famous paper on the colour of Gold colloids. This paper is still much cited today. In this web page we try to collect information on the various activities that intend to somehow celebrate this hundred years of Mie's theory.
- Mie Theory 1908 - 2008, Present developments and interdisciplinary aspects of light scattering, Halle, Germany 15.-16. 9. 2008. (21.2.2008). Proceedings: T. Wriedt, W. Hergert (editors): Mie Theory 1908-2008. Present developments and interdisciplinary aspects of light scattering. Universität Bremen, Bremen 2008.
- Light scattering: Mie and more. Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF) Conference 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2 to 3, 2008.
Mie's original paper and translations
- Gustav Mie: Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallösungen. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 25, 1908, No. 3, p 377-445.
- Gustav Mie: Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloidaler Metallösungen. Annalen der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 25, 1908, No. 3, p 377-445.
- Gustav Mie: Contributions to the optics of turbid media, particularly of colloidal metal solutions. Royal Aircraft Establishment, Library Translation 1873, 1976, RAE-Lit-Trans-1873.
- Gustav Mie: Contributions on the optics of turbid media, particularly colloidal metal solutions --- Translation. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1978, SAND78-6018. National Translation Center, Chicago, ILL, Translation 79-21946.
- Gustav Mie: Consideraciones sobre la óptica de los medios turbios, especialmente soluciones coloidales; Traducción: Arturo Quirantes Sierra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- typos in the original text found by Arturo Quirantes Sierra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Papers on Gustav Mie and Mie's theory
- Mie, Gustav, Dr. phil. nat.;
- Harry Bateman: The mathematical analysis of electrical and optical wave-motion on the basis of Maxwell's equations. Cambridge University Press, 1915. (PDF, DjVu, TXT available).
- Ghanshyam A. Shah: Numerical methods for Mie theory of scattering by a sphere. Kodalkenel Obs. Bull. Ser. A (1977) 2, 42-63.
- Pedro Lilienfeld: Gustav Mie the person. Applied Optics 30 (1991), 4696-4698.
- Siegmar Adomßent: Des Landes große Physiker. Traditio et Innovatio 10 (2005) 2, 41-42.
- Wolfram Hergert: Gustav Mie und Albert Einstein. Diskussion zur Entwicklung der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. scientia halensis (2005) 3, 13-14.
- Werner Marx: Dornröschen und Mauerblümchen. Nachzügler und vergessene Arbeiten in der Physik. Phys. Unserer Zeit 38 (2007) 1, 34-39.
- Gustav Mie, catalogus professorum halensis.
- Uwe Kreibig: Mie gilt fast nie: Grenzen und Erweiterungen der Theorie von Mie.
- Ehrenmitglieder der DPG
- Leo Corry: From Mie's Electromagnetic Theory of Matter to Hilbert's Unified Foundation of Physics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30(2): 159-183 (1999).
- Helmut Spehl: Mie, Gustav Adolf Feodor Wilhelm Ludwig, Physiker in Berd Ottnad (Hrsg.): Badische Biographien, Neue Folge, Band III, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1990, S. 186-190.
- Kuo-Nan Liou: A Complementary Theory of Light Scattering by Homogeneous Spheres. Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 (1977), 331-358.
- Uwe Kreibig: Optische Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln, Hundert Jahre Mie-Theorie. Phys. Unserer Zeit 39 (2008) 6, 281-286.
- Uwe Kreibig: Hundert Jahre Mie-Theorie. Ergänzungen.
- Thomas Wriedt: Mie Theory 1908-2008, Introduction to the conference. In T. Wriedt, W. Hergert (editors): Mie Theory 1908-2008. Present developments and interdisciplinary aspects of light scattering. Universität Bremen, Bremen 2008. 17-21.
- Thomas Wriedt: Mie theory 1908, on the mobile phone 2008. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 109 (2008), 1543–1548. FnattLabME including Mie scattering application
- Hergert, Wolfram; Wriedt, Thomas (Eds.): The Mie Theory Basics and Applications, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 2012.
- Alan Rawle:The life of Gustav Mie and the development of the Lorenz-Mie solution to Maxwell’s equations.
- Brian Stout and Nicolas Bonod: Gustav Mie: the man, the theory. Photonique, 2020.
Web pages
Wikipedia pages
Contact and more information Thomas Wriedt

Electromagnetic codes available (16.05.1994)
This note intends to answer frequently asked questions con- cerning electromagnetic codes. It mainly lists codes for computation of electromagnetic scattering by dielectric spheres, spheroids, bodies of revolution and irregular scat- terers. If you know of any code not listed, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I will then include it in this list.
Mie code for scattering by dielectric spheres MIEV.tar by Warren J. Wiscombe available by FTP from microwave.jpl.nasa.gov in directory/pub
Coated sphere BHCOAT and BHMIE listed in C.F. Bohren, D. Huffman Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles J. Wiley & Sons, New York 1983 A precompiled version of BHMIE for MS-DOS is available from Chuck Harrison via ftp to netcom.com in directory /pub/cfh/mie/bhmie-nw.exe
Optically active sphere FORTRAN code listed in C.F. Bohren Light scattering by optically active particles PhD 1975, University of Arizona available from University Microfilm International
T-matrix for scattering by axisymmetric particles. T1.FOR, T2.FOR abailable on disk in P.W. Barber, S.C. Hill Light Scattering by Particles: Computational Methods World Scientific, Singapore 1990
T-matrix for electromagnetic and acoustic scattering by spheres. TMAT.FOR listed in V.V. Varadan, A. Lakhtaria, V.K. Varadan Field representation and introduction to scattering. North Holland, Amsterdam 1991
T-matrix for scattering by conducting bodies. TMAT.FOR by P.C. Watermann listed in R. Mittra (editor) Computer Techniques for Electromagnetics. Washington 1973
T-matrix scattering by randomly oriented spheroids FORTRAN code sisted in F.Ja. Sid'ko, V.N. Lopatin, L.E. Paramonov Poljarizacionn'ie harakteristiki vzvesej biologieceskih cactic Nauka, Novosibirsk 1990
GMT Generalised multipole technique for electro-magnetic simula- tion. MMP.FOR available on disk in Christian Hafner, Lars Bomholt The 3D Electromagnetic Wave Simulator Wiley, Chichester 1993 $ 384.00
Transmission line method for stripe line and wave guide problems. Code available on disk in W.J.R. Hoefer, P.P.M. So The Electromagnetic Wave Simulator Wiley, Chichester
Moment Method for scattering by inhomogeneous body. Moment Method Volume Integral code listed in Johnson J.H. Wang Generalized Moment Methods in Electromagnetics Wiley, New York
FDTD Finite difference time domain code for 3D scattering by ir- regular scatterers FDTDA.FOR by Raymond J. Luebbers listed in Karl S. Kunz, Raymond J. Luebbers Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnet- ics. CRC Press, Boca Raton 1993 also available by FTP from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in directory/pub/aces/fdtd
Comercial X-Windows version (XFDTD $ 4940) available from REMCOM, Inc. Calder Square POBox 10023 State College, PA 16805
Finite Integration Theory MAFIA commercial CAE programme (DM 1500,-- for German universities) available from CST GmbH Lauteschlägerstr. 38 D-64289 Darmstadt

Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory, Measurements, and Applications
The ELS conference series combines two series: the Workshop on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering (Bremen, 1996; Moscow, 1997; Bremen, 1998) and the Workshop on Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles (Amsterdam, 1995; Helsinki, 1997; New York, 1998). The first combined conferences were held in Vigo, Spain in 1999, in Halifax, Canada in 2000 and in Gainesville, Florida in 2002. The conference encompasses all experimental and theoretical aspects of single and multiple scattering of electromagnetic radiation by nonspherical and heterogeneous particles.
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