Scattering of an electromagnetic wave by a fractal cluster of monosized spheres, using the mean field approximation introduced by Botet, Pascal Rannou, Cabane in 1997 (Botet 1997): Botet et al, APPL. OPT. 36, 33 (1997) 8791-8797.
A superposition T-matrix code for computing electromagnetic scattering by randomly oriented two-sphere clusters with touching or separated components is available from Michael Mishchenko.
The code uses an analytical method for averaging over cluster orientations and is significantly faster than codes employing numerical integrations over orientation angles. The cluster components can be identical or can have different sizes and/or refractive indices. The component sphere size parameter can exceed 40.
Grouping and adding method (GAM) for calculating light scattering by large fluffy aggregates based on the T-Matrix Method by Y Yasuhiko Okada.

Yu-lin Xu's Fortran source codes for calculation of radiative scattering by aggregated particles in both fixed and random orientations for homogeneous spheres, core-mantle and for ensembles of variously shaped (meaning rotationally symmetric) particles.
Archive copy dated 2-Oct-2003
- Link (local copy) 30 Jul 2018
Scattering program for a bisphere.
This program is based on the derivation given in Videen, Ngo and Hart, Opt. Comm 125, p. 275 (1996) except the refractive indices of the spheres are not restricted to being perfectly conducting.
Yu-lin Xu's Fortran source codes for calculation of radiative scattering by aggregated particles in both fixed and random orientations for homogeneous spheres, core-mantle and for ensembles of variously shaped (meaning rotationally symmetric) particles.
Archive copy dated 2-Oct-2003
Mie theory and a cluster T-matrix algorithm, coded with Matlab (6.3) by Sylvain Lecler, are available in a compressed version here. These programmes have a graphic user interface and descriptive documents.
Extension of Yu-lin Xu's GMM Electromagnetic multisphere scattering Fortran program by Moritz Ringler to compute the near field. PhD Thesis (2008).
Single particle, coated particle and two particle scattering FORTRAN program listed in Bo Peterson, Numerical computation of electromagnetic scattering from rotational symetric configurations, Internal Report TMF 75-1, Sept. 4, 1975, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Fack, S-40220 Goteborg 5, Sweden.
Extension of Yu-lin Xu's GMM Electromagnetic multisphere scattering Fortran program by Moritz Ringler to compute the near field with a dipole as incident field. PhD Thesis (2008).