03 | 12 | 2024

T matrix code for scattering by homogeneous particles with discrete symmetries by Michael Kahnert. For particle morphologies with geometric symmetries, the code makes use of group theory to systematically simplify the numerical solution to Maxwell's equations.

Computational Electromagnetics Research Laboratory (CERL) has recently released a 3D-TLM simulator and its X-Windows based GUI front end.

Computing T-Matrices of arbitrary objects by M T Homer Reid. This code is not restricted to rotationally symmetric scatteres.

  • Link ( 5 Jul 2013, 31 Jul 2015) offline
  • Link (10 May 2022)

Executable T-Matrix program 'Mieschka' developed under Linux to compute scattering by rotationally symmetric scatterers is available on CD-ROM with the book: Tom Rother: Electromagnetic Wave Scattering on Nonspherical Particles: Basic Methodology and Simulations. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2009.

Modification of the original Barber and Hill T-Matrix Fortran codes by Peter Alsholm. Using a larger T-matrix, more integration-points and extended prectston variables, converged solutions are possible for particles with larger size parameters and axial ratios. Code printed in

Light Scattering by Individual and Groups of Spheroidal Particles. diploma paper by Peter Alsholm, Lund Reports on Atomic Physics, LRAP-200, Lund, August 1996.

  • Link (4 April 2012)

T-Matrix code and Muller matrix code for electromagnetic scattering from a lossy dielectric embedded within another lossy dielectric by Steven A. Rutledge.

  • Link (19 Jun 2009)

Fortran code for electromagnetic scattering from a lossy dielectric imbedded within another lossy dielectric (coated spheroid) and the  Mueller matrix (averaged Stokes matrix) for a distribution of scatterers with a prescribed orientation distribution. Code by Larry Carey.

The Null-field Method with Discrete Sources is an extension of the Null-field Method (also called T-Matrix Method) to compute light scattering by arbitrarily shaped dielectric particles. The Fortran code is inculded on CD with the book:

Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt and Yuri Eremin: Light Scattering by Systems of Particles. Null-Field Method with Discrete Sources -
Theory and Programs. Springer Verlag; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2006.

  • Springer Publisher (19.08.2022)
  • List of Fortran90 Programs on CD-ROM with the book (18.8.2006)
  • Users guide (04.03.2013)
  • Amazon: SEARCH INSIDE this book (18.7.2007)
  • SScaTT
    Superellipsoid Scattering Tool (v.1.1.4) for T-matrix scattering computation by superellipsoids and other abritrary shaped 3D scatterers by T. Wriedt. Windows 98, XP SScaTT paper
  • Particle shapes that might be suitable for SScaTT (9 Dec 2021))
  • For questions please send emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (22.9.2006, 17.11.2022)
  • new parallel code, users guide (16 Apr 2010)
  • all links updated (9 Dec 2021)

The Multiple Sphere T Matrix Fortran-90 Code by Dan Mackowski.

MSTM is a package for calculating the electromagnetic scattering and absorption properties of systems of spheres.
The code is designed to run on distributed memory parallel platforms, and uses MPI instructions in conjunction with fortran-90.

Initial release date: 15 January 2011.

A toolbox by Timo Nieminen, implemented in Matlab, for the computational modelling of optical tweezers.

The toolbox is designed for the calculation of optical forces and torques, and can be used for both spherical and nonspherical particles, in both Gaussian and other beams. The toolbox might also be useful for light scattering using either Lorenz-Mie theory or the T-matrix method.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)
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