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The commercial EM Explorer is a 3D electromagnetic (EM) solver based on Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) for scattering problems of periodic structures illuminated by arbitrary incident fields including planewaves and  Gaussian beam.

The Chombo package provides a set of tools for implementing finite difference methods for the solution of partial differential equations on block-structured adaptively refined rectangular grids.

  • Link (12 Nov 2013)

The open source package OpenGEMS is based on the parallel Finite Difference Time Domain method, and is a simplified version of Commercial GEMS Simulator. OpenGEMS is developed based on Microsoft DirectX for the 3-D modeling and Microsoft Excel for the data post-processing.

Shapes is a finite difference time domain (FDTD) program that simulates scattering of electromagnetic waves on objects of various shapes made of various substances. Code by Gustav Meglicki and Boyana. Norris.

Yatpac (Yet Another TLM Package) by Peter Russer is a free TLM-based full-wave electromagnetic simulation package developed at the Institute for High-Frequency Engineering of the Technische Universität München in Germany. With Yatpac you can characterize in time-domain various electromagnetic structures like hollow waveguides, transmission lines, planar microwave circuits and antennas.


  • Link (8 Mar 2009) down (24 Jan 2011)
  • Archive (Binaries for WinXP, MacOS X still available, 24 Jan 2011)



Meep is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software package developed at MIT (initially by David Roundy) to model electromagnetic systems, along with the MPB eigenmode package.


Java based Jfdtd3D solves for all 6 vector components of the electromagnetic field. By Jeffrey M. McMahon.

  • Link (30 Jan 2009, 3 Aug 2015)

FDTD based Radar Cross section (RCS) modeling and simulation virtual tool by Gonca Cakir.

The software package NekCEM (Nekton for Computational Electromagnetics) includes a Maxwell time domain solver based on the spectral element discontinuous Galerkin (SEDG) method employing a conformal spectral-element mesh. By Misun Min.

A free FDTD software, which supports distributed-memory parallelism, 1d/2d/3d/cylindrical problems, dispersive and nonlinear media, and PML absorbing boundaries.

By Steven G. Johnson

  • Link (29 Nov 2008)
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