Annual International Conference “Days on Diffraction-2009”
St. Petersburg, Russia, 26-29 May 2009
Contributions on the wave phenomena in metamaterials are welcome. The studies related to electromagnetics of • double-negative media • electromagnetic crystals • photonic crystals • periodical plasmonic nanostructures • high-impedance surfaces or any other artificial structures with electromagnetic properties that cannot be found among natural materials are of the special interest.
25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES 2009)
Monterey, California, USA, 8–12 March 2009
The international ACES symposium serves as a forum for developers, analysts, and users of computational techniques applied to electromagnetic field problems at all frequency ranges. The symposium includes technical presentations, software demonstrations, vendor booths, short courses, and hands-on workshops.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Moscow, Russia 18-21 Aug 2009
PIERS provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in all aspects of electromagnetics. Spectra range from statics to RF, microwave, photonics, and beyond. Topics include radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering, guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all applications and modern developments.
Karlsruhe, Germany, 6-11 Sept, 2009
Aerosol-based nanotechnology Aerosol chemistry Aerosol modelling Atmospheric aerosols Electrical effects Fundamentals High temperature aerosols Instrumentation Particle-lung-interactions PMx Radioactive Aerosols
Bremen, Germany, 16 + 17 March, 1998
Vigo, Spain, 20 + 21 September, 1999