The 16th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference
The 16th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XVI) will be held at the University of Maryland/College Park, MD, USA from 19-25 March 2017.
June 30 - July 4, 2014, Helsinki, Finland
The conference series entitled "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors" constitutes the leading international series in the field of small Solar System bodies.

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The 11th international conference series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP2016) which will be held from April 22 to 26, 2016 in Xi'an, China.

Laser-light and Interactions with Particles, August 25-29th, 2014, Marseille, France

OPC2014 (International Conference on Optical Particle Characterization )
AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Tokyo, Japan, from March 10 to 14, 2014, organized by Doshisha University
Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2015
Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen, 2. + 3. March 2015
Word template for abstracts. Deadline 1. Feb. 2015
Travel and Hotel information
Preliminary list of talks
- A. B. Evlyukhin: Multipole decomposition in the discrete dipole approximation.
- Yuri Eremin: Fluorescent Enhancement in the Presence of Plasmonic Structures.
- Nobuhiro Moteki: Volume Integral Equation Method Optimized for Black Carbon-Containing Aerosol Particles.
- Vladimir Schmidt: Extinction spectroscopy.
- Jens Hellmers: Scattering by erythrocytes: Comparision of methods.
- Snow H. Tseng: Analyzing the time-reversed ultrasonically encoded (TRUE).
technique by numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations.
- Sawitree Saengkaew: Fourier Interferometric Imaging.
- A. Bescond: Speciation of soot aggregates in terms of organic compounds and textural properties by analysis of the visible extinction spectra.
- Oleksandr Zhuromskyy: T-matrix simulation of light scattering on mesocrystalline particles.
- Jerome Yon: Impact of the necking and overlapping of soot aggregates on their radiative properties.
- Alex Gansen: 3D leapfrog Scheme for Electromagnetic Modelling of Arbi-trary Shaped Anisotropic Dielectric Objects using unstruc-tured meshes.
- Ugo Tricoli: Comparison of the GDT-matrix code with the ADDA code and the SID single scattering measurements.
- Manuel Rodrigues Gonçalves: Fano resonances in T-like and H-like plasmonic nanostructures.
- Konrad Kandler: Electron Microscope Stereogrammetry for Modelling Mineral Dust.
- Alex J. Yuffa: Near- and Far-Field Resonances.
- Johannes Markkanen: On the accuracy of internal fields in the discrete-dipole ap-proximation.
- Patrick Stegmann: GPGPU Calculation of Expansion Coefficients of Electro-magnetic Fields on Spherical and Spheroidal Vector Wave Bases.
- David Dannhauser: Individual erythrocyte analysis in microfluidic flow by dif-ferent light scattering methods.
- Ya Yan Lu: Vertical Mode Expansion Method for Plasmonics Applications.
- Philip Born: Near-field enhancement of transmission in dense packings of dielectric spheres.
- Igor Meglinsk:
- Amos Egel: Coherent and Near Field Effects in Light Scattering at Disor-dered Spherical Particle Ensembles Embedded in Metal-Dielectric Thin Film Systems
- Christopher Rosebrock:
- Isabel Schick:
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The 15th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference will be held in Leipzig, Germany from 21 to 26 of June 2015.

Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2024
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
18 + 19 March 2024
Registration by sending title of talk: 1 Feb. 2024
LATEX and LyX template for abstracts. Deadline 1 March 2024
Travel and Hotel information
Preliminary list of talks
- Gerhard Kristensson: Sum rules and physical bounds for a particulate slab.
- Alexander V. Kildishev: Ultimate multipole expansion centers.
- Thomas Wriedt: Null-Field Method with discrete sources, a review.
Christopher Wirth: Azimuthally Resolved Evanescent Wave Scattering from a Colloidal Ellipsoid.
- Evangelos Almpanis: The Photonic Layer Multiple Scatterig Method for Space-Time Periodic Structures.
- Stuart C. Hawkin: A numerically stable electromagnetic T-matrix algorithm.
- Franz Kanngießer: Calculating multi-wavelength depolarisation ratios of mineral dust using spheroids.
- Ivan Lopushenko: Addressing scattering in mesoscopic electrodynamics with computer algebra approaches.
Nicolas Brosseau-Habert: DADI and reverse-DADI methods: computation of the UV-visible spectra of two coalesced soot particles from atomistic information
- Maxim Vavilin: Polychromatic T-Matrix: Computing interaction between light pulses and moving objects
- Yuri Eremin: Influence of surface quantum effects on the optical characteristics of alkali and noble metal nanoparticles.
- Jiajie Wang: Light scattering by non-spherical particles and its application in detection of single dust particle
- Marvin Degen: An accurate and efficient recursive T-matrix algorithm without violating the addition theorem
- Gennadiy Derkachov: Possible scenarios of nanoparticles aggregation in an evaporating droplet of suspension: a numerical model helps to understand the scattered light intensity evolution
- Anastasiya Derkachova: Accurate Refractive index measurements - chromatic dispersion and thermal coefficient - for Mie theory-based scatterometry.
- Christof Holzer: Quantum mechanics meets T-matrix: Linear and non-linear models
- Jonas Gienger: Glare Points in Laser Flow Cytometry
- Olga Kochanowska: Control of optical response of finite hyperbolic metamaterials
- Ivan Fernandez Corbaton: A polychromatic theory of thermal emission based on the T-matrix
- Ludmila Prokopeva: Wave propagation in dispersive media with inhomogeneous broadening: analytical models and numerical implementation
- Gerard Berginc: Theoretical formalism of coherent and incoherent scattering and transport of electromagnetic waves in nanoscale discrete disordered media bounded by randomly rough surfaces
- Dmitry Efremenko: Light scattering imaging model for total internal reflection microscopy
- Ege Şükrü Tahmaz: The Description and Verification of Thermal Discrete Dipole Approximation Module BUTDDA with Surface Interactions
- Lingxi Li: Simulation of Light Scattering in Porous Polyethylene for Radiative Cooling Applications
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