Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2023
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
20. + 21 March 2023
Registration by sending title of talk: 1. Feb. 2023
Word template for abstracts. Deadline 1. March 2023
There will be no fee.
Preliminary list of talks
- Carlo Forestiere: Static surface mode expansion for the full-wave scattering from arrays of penetrable objects
- Jajie Wang: Controlling the properties of photonic jets by adjusting the illumination condition
- Ivan Lopushenko: Monte Carlo simulation of shaped light with spin and orbital angular momenta propagating in turbid tissue-like media
- Alexander Kichigin: Discrete dipole simulations of electron energy-loss spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence for particles near substrate
- Gérard Gouesbet: Forces exerted on particles by laser radiation: optical forces and photophoresis
- Jonas Gienger: Imaging with scattered light in flow cytometry
- Carynelisa Haspel: Attempts at Reproducing Measured Values of Extinction and Scattering by Organic Carbon and Black Carbon Aggregate
- Yuri Eremin: Discrete source method for modeling light scattering by plasmonic nanoparticles with mesoscopic boundary conditions
- David Barrios: Forward Scattering Ratios, Average Crossing Parameters and Scattering and Absorption Coefficients New Expressions Using Diffuse Differential Equations of Four Flux Model
- Maxim Yurkin: Analytical integration of the Green’s tensor in the discrete dipole approximation
- Stefania Glukhova: Scattering simulations for Bessel beams near a plane substrate in the framework of the discrete dipole approximation
- Konstantin Inzhevatkin: Acceleration of the discrete dipole approximation for multiple incident fields and refractive indices
- Ulyanova Maria: Characterization of spherical homogeneous particles by their light scattering patterns using neural networks
- Christos Mystilidis: Capturing the nonlocal response of plasmonic nanowires and nanoparticles with a boundary element method
- Mirza Karamehmedović: Far-field super-resolution imaging using a steerable photonic nanojet
- Isam Ben Soltane: A description of MOSEM - Multiple-Order Singularity Expansion Method - and its interest for studying light scattering
- Mariia Poleva: Relation between bianisotropic response of nanoparticles and the multipole content of incident light
- Nikita Ustimenko: Optimization of light focusing by Mie-resonant nanoparticle structure
- Luiz Felipe Machado Votto: New advancements in the Finite Series method for light scattering
- Carsten Rockstuhl: Ideas on a data format and a repository for T-matrices for the community.
- Isam Ben Soltane: A description of MOSEM – Multiple-Order Singularity Expansion Method – and its interest for studying light scattering
- Fabrizio Frezza:
This year we like to focus on:
- Scattering with focused/shaped beams
- Scattering by aspherical/irregular/inhomogeneous particles
- Scattering by biological objects (cells,...)
Other topics:
- T-Matrix Methods
- Generalized Multipole Methods
- Discrete Dipole Approximation
- Particle surface scattering interaction
- Evanescent wave scattering
- Near field enhancement
- Plasmonics
- Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the low loss region
- Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory
Former Workshops
Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2017
Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2020
Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2021
Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2022
If you like to present a talk or present some input for discussion register by sending you title by 1. Feb. 2023.
Please send a four page abstract to one of the organizers by 1. March 2023 using this Word template. Printed proceedings will be published as usual following the workshop.
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start at 9.00 on 20.3.2022
end at 17.00 on 21.3.2022
duration for talks 20 mins + 10 mins discussion
Venue via Zoom
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT Badgasteiner Str. 3 28359 Bremen Germany
The proceedings and the final program will be sent by email prior to the workshop. Printed proceedings will be published as usual following the workshop.
There will be no fee.
Organizing Committee
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Process & Chemical Engineering, Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
Jonas Gienger, Department 8.3 Biomedical Optics, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstal (PTB), Berlin, Germany
International Workshop on Optics: Simulation and Optimization
From 7-9 November 2022, the Erlangen Collaborative Research Centre 1411 organizes an International Workshop on “Optics: Simulation and Optimization”.
Optical properties of particulate products play a crucial role in many applications. Already the composition, size and shape of nanoparticles through tailored synthesis processes allows to vary optical properties to a large extent. On top of this, the assembly of nanoparticles into structures such as layers or supraparticles can widen the accessible property range substantially.
To be able to fully exploit this, expertise in synthesis, characterization, simulation and optimization is required.
Key topics in this workshop are thus:
- simulation methods for optical properties
- characterization of individual particles and particle assemblies
- optimal design of nanoparticle products
- model based optimization techniques in this context
- the connection of nanoparticle design and synthesis
- nanoparticle applications
Experts from different research areas will discuss the status quo in these fields and newly developed methodologies.
Online participation is free of charge. You can find more information on the workshop homepage.

Athens-Moscow-Bremen Workshop EELS- and Light Scattering Simulation 2018
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen
22. October 2018, 8:30 - 14:00
If you like to participate at this workshop please send an email to
Thomas Wriedt This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is no fee.
International Workshop: Theory of wave scattering in complex and random media
20 - 24 March 2023, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
Waves propagating in complex and random media are key to many areas of physics and engineering. These media include gases, emulsions, powders, porous and polycrystalline materials, to name just a few. The theoretical tools to understand wave phenomena can be applied to all linear waves, such as elastic and electromagnetic. Yet, the community and the tools used are quite disconnected. This workshop aims to bridge the gaps between us, better understand our connections, and share recent advances.

International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XVIII (ELS-XVIII)
will take place at the Zhejiang University Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, China from 9-14 June 2019.
Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2019
Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2022
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
21. + 22. March 2022
Word template for abstracts. Deadline 1. March 2022
Preliminary list of talks
- Yuri Eremin Moscow State University (invited talk): Analysis of Spatial Dispersion Influence on the Absorption Properties of Magnetoplasmonic Core-Shell Nanoparticles
- David Barrios, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil, Ecuador: Light Scattering Parameters of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals Obtained by Inversion of Experimental Data
- Gunnar Niklasson, Uppsala University, Sweden: Inversion of Light Scattering Experiments by Using the Four-Flux Theory
Francisco V. Ramirez Cuevas, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile: A fluctuational electrodynamics approach for orientation-averaged light scattering
- Andrey Evlyukhin, Leibniz University Hannover: Secondary multipole analysis in the optics of nanostructures.
- Alexander Putz, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB): Pulse-shape Analysis for Aspherical Particles in Flow Cytometry
- Jonas Gienger, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB): Modeling of angle-resolved near-forward light-scatter pulses in flow cytometry using Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory
- Pu Zhang, Huazhong University of Science of Technology: Bright Optical Eigenmode of 1 nm3 Mode Volume
- Connor Barker, Royal Holloway University of London: Experimental Investigation and T-Matrix Modelling of Near-Field Effects in Mie Scattering from Optically Trapped Neighbouring Particles
Stefania Glukhova, Novosibirsk State University: Simulating the Bessel beam scattering by particles near the plane substrate
Franz Kanngießer, Chalmers University of Technology: Testing DDA orientation averaging schemes for calculating remote sensing-relevant properties.
Alexander Kichigin, Novosibirsk State University: Simulating electron energy loss spectroscopy for particles near substrate.
Konstantin Inzhevatkin, Novosibirsk State University: Optically-soft limit of the geometric optics for acceleration of the discrete dipole approximation
- Krzysztof Czajkowsk, Institute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw: Extracting the dressed T-matrix of a particle on a substrate using discrete dipole approximation
- Carynelisa Haspel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Sparsely-Spaced-Spherical-Scatterers Scheme
- Christopher Wirth, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Case Western Reserve University: Investigation and Analysis of Scattered Light from Colloidal Spheroids with Scattering Morphology Resolved Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (SMR-TIRM).
- Adrian Doicu:
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Bremen Workshop on Light Scattering 2018
Institut für Werkstofftechnik, IWT, Bremen
19. + 20. March 2018
Word template for abstracts. Deadline 1. Feb. 2018
This time we like to have a focus on multiple particle scattering and experiments.
Travel and Hotel information
Preliminary list of talks (6.3.18)
Vasyl Choliy: Custom targets in DDscat.C++ software
Stuart C. Hawkins: Mixed configuration multiple scattering using the T-matrix
Hany L. S. Ibrahim: Multiple Scattering of a Focused Laser Beam by a Cluster Consisting of Nonconcentric encapsulated Particles
Michael Kahnert: Information content of lidar observations
Franz Kanngießer: Calculation of optical properties of light-absorbing carbon with weakly absorbing coating
Gerhard Kristensson: Multiple scattering by a collection of randomly located obstacles distributed in a dielectric slab
Johannes Markkanen: Radiative Transfer solution for scattering by dense discrete random medium of irregular particles
Romain Pierrat: Light scattering by cold atoms: the flash effect
Dmytro Plutenko: Longitudinally Polarized Purely Electric and Magnetic Photonic Nanojets
Thomas Prevenslik: Invalidity of Thermal Fluctuations at the Nanoscale
Tom Rother: Plane wave scattering on bispheres: iterative solution and sum rules
Sanghyeon Yu: Strong Concentration of Electromagnetic fields by Nearly Touching Plasmonic Spheres
Thomas Voigtmann: Simulation of Dynamic Light Scattering from Spheres with internal multiple scattering
Irina Volkovskaya: Second-Harmonic Generation by Mie-resonant Nanoparticles Made of Noncentrosymmetric Dielectrics
Alina Vasilyeva: Modelling of electromagnetic scattering by axisymmetric particle near a plane surface and imaging of the scattered field
Ivan Lopushenko: Exitation of plasmonic nanoparticles with electron beam (EELS) accounting for nonlocal effect.
Yuri Eremin: Analysis of GNOR model for light scattering via Discrete Sources
Naima Khebbache: Genearalized Multipole Method for light scattering by arbitary shaped particles.
Ulrich Krieger: SERS pH Nanoprobes in Single, Levitated Aerosol Particles
Philip Born: THz extinction spectroscopy on dense particle cluster
- Lukas Pflug: Multi-material Optimization of Nanoparticles by Discrete Dipole Approximation and Sequential Global Programming
Artur L Gower: Characterising particulate random media from near-surface backscattering: a machine learning approach to measure particle size and concentration.
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Bremen Zoom Workshop on Light Scattering 2021
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien - IWT, Bremen, Germany
22. + 23. March 2021
Word template for abstracts. Deadline 1. March. 2021
Preliminary list of talks
- Yuri Eremin: The Discrete Sources Method for investigation of the influence of non-local effect on the absorption of bimetallic plasmonic nanoparticles
- Adrian Doicu: Radiative transfer equation for discrete random media illuminated by a Gaussian beam
- Mandana Jalali: The Simulation Scenario of Quantum Tunneling in Gold Nanodimers within a Classical Framework
- Michael Tribelsky (invited talk): Resonant Light Scattering by Subwavelength Particles: New Aspects of Old Problem
- Gunnar A. Niklasson: Light Scattering Parameters by Inversion of Experimental Data: The Case of Sunscreen Lotions
- Alexander G. Ramm (invited): Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient
- Kevin Vynck: Global polarizability matrix method for efficient modeling of light scattering by dense ensembles of non-spherical particles in stratified media
- Junxin Wang: Extraction of light absorption and scattering coefficients of gold nanocomposites
- Krzysztof Czajkowski: Multiple scattering of light in substrate-supported amorphous arrays of dielectric nanoparticles
- Navid Daryakar: Nonlinear Optical Response in amorphous thin films described with Maxwell-Garnett Approximation
- Matin Dehghani: Light Scattering from Rough Silver Surfaces in Multilayered systems
- Fatih Dikmen: On Regularization of the T Matrix Method for Cylindrical Ob-jects with Arbitrary Cross Section
- Carlo Forestiere: Resonance frequency and radiative Q-factor of plasmonic and dielectric modes of small objects
- Stefania Glukhova: Implementation of scattering of generalized Bessel beams in the framework of the discrete dipole approximation
- Yevgen Grynko: Light backscattering from large clusters of densely packed irregular particles
- Carynelisa Haspel: Considerations Concerning Backscattering in the Scattering Order Formulation of the Discrete Dipole Approximation as Applied to Non-Absorbing Scatterers
- Konstantin Inzhevatkin: Optimization of the discrete-dipole approximation for large optically soft particles using the modified Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation
- Michael Kahnert: Existence and uniqueness of the solution to the implicit T-matrix equation
- Alexander A. Kichigin: Simulating Nanoparticles Interaction with Electrons
- Aristeidis G. Lamprianidis: Overcoming the Rayleigh Hypothesis with sources distributed on the topological skeleton of the scatterer: a numerical demonstration of the method
- Baseerat Romshoo: Modelling Techniques for Black Carbon Optical Properties
- Shuaibu Uba: Effect of Soot in radiative properties of Desert aerosols at different wavelengths
- Maxim A. Yurkin: The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for a Point Dipole
- Gerhard Kristensson: The coherent electromagnetic field by a particulate media - numerical implementation in a planar geometry
- Franz Kanngiesser: Depolarisation by randomized, non-cubical sea salt aerosol particles
- Amos Egel: Live demonstration of Smuthi Python-Code, scattering by multiple particles in thin-film systems
- Minas Kouroublakis: Modified-Method-of-Auxiliary-Sources Computation of the Eigenvalues of Two-Dimensional Waveguides
- Nikolaos Tsitsas: On Numerical Methodologies Employing Auxiliary Sources for Two-Dimensional Penetrable Acoustic Problems
- Claire-Helene Guidet: Poles and ideal absorption for the dipolar case
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