11 | 02 | 2025

The Java 2D Mie theory code calculates the analytical fields from scattering by an infinite cylinder. By Jeffrey M. McMahon.

Written in C++, CoreShellX allows the calculation of the scattering, absorption, and extinction cross-sections of a sphere of any size with an arbitrary number of concentric shells. Code by Charles Rohde.

Mie theory 1908. on the mobile phone 2008. Java Midlet based on Java ME by Thomas Wriedt.

Lorenz-Mie theory in absorbing host medium by Jeppe Revall Frisvad.

C++ codes to compute various spherical harmonic functions including Mie scattering coefficients by Orion Sky Lawlor.

Set of 8 programs (IntGlmt, IntDebye, DiffGlmt, DiffDebye, McDiff, PulseDiff, 3D2F, 2D2F, Nearint) based on Generalized Lorenz Mie Theory (GMTL) to compute internal fields and near fields by Loic Mees and Siegfried Meunier-Guittin-Cluzel.

Matlab code to calculate the amplitude scattering matrix elements and efficiencies for extinction, total scattering, and backscattering for a given size parameter and relative refractive index by Wayne H. Slade.

FORTRAN program printed in the report

C. D. Cantrel, Numerical Methods for the Accurate Calculation of Spherical Bessel Functions and the Location of Mie Resonances, Center for Applied Optics, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688, 1988.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

Mathematica scattering code for solid dielectric sphere, a conducting sphere, a thin spherical shell, a coated sphere by Sergio Aragon and Chris Zimmer.

Toon and Ackerman's Fortran code for stratified spheres is included in this program.

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