10 | 02 | 2025

Cpp Mie code by Chris Godsalve.

CHEW, calculates the radiative and nonradiative (due to Ohmic losses) decay rates of a Dipole can be located either outside or embedded in any layer of the multilayered sphere. By Alexander Moroz.

Interactive web page by Scott Prahl that allows you to do your own Mie scattering calculations.

The Fortran program calculates the axial trapping efficiency Q for a multilayered sphere. By Alexander Moroz.

Fortran program to interactively call Bohren-Huffman Mie theory program by B.T.Draine.

  • Link (3 Mar 2009) broken
  • Link (1 Sep 2017)

The routine returns the total extinction, dipole extinction, quadrupole extinction, (elastic) scattering, and absorption cross sections, albedo, and, optionally, the T-matrix elements for the scattering off a single multilayered sphere. By Alexander Moroz.

This fortran subroutine gives scattering matrix or its inverse for an anisotropic magnetic sphere.

Fortran program for Mie theory printed in a paper (1977) by  Ghanshayam A. Shah.

Matlab based a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Plane Wave Scattering from a Conducting, Dielectric or a Chiral Sphere by Veysel Demir.

A new closed form solution to light scattering by spherical nanoshells by Le-Wei Li.

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