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IRIS uses rigorous Mie scattering theory to produce accurate simulations of glories, fogbows and coronae.

Available from Les Cowley.

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  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

Double precision FORTRAN program by K. A. Fuller for scattering and absorption of light by homogeneous spherical particles, which will provide cross sections for extinction, total scattering, differential scattering, and absorption as well as the lidar (radar) backscattering efficiency, the parameter, and the phase matrix.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

Book on the Generalied Lorenz-Mie theory for scattering by a sphere in a Gaussian beam giving full desciption of the theory and FORTRAN programs:

G. Gouesbet, G. Grehan, B. Maheu, K. F. Ren, Electromagnetic Scattering of Shaped Beams (Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory), LESP, CORIA, INSA de Rouen, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, March 19, 1998.




Windows (95) program for Mie scattering, including a Gaussian laser beam and especially including Debye series expansion of the scattering coefficients.

Distributed by Valley Scientific, Inc.

  • Original Fax.: ++1-330-483-8003
  • Original Link (27 Nov 2008, offline)

Mie Scattering in Particle Ensembles under consideration of Large Size Parameters by Sebastian Wolf.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

Code (C and Fortran versions) for simulating multiple Rayleigh scattering.

Windows program by Philip Laven based on the classic BHMIE algorithm including calculations using the Debye series. See also

Philip Laven, Simulation of Rainbows, Coronas, and Glories by use of Mie Theory, Applied Optics, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 436-444.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

Adobe PDF-file of Mie scattering code in C by Scott Prahl.

A Mathematica notebook for the article

Laser Trapping of Microscopic Particles for Undergraduate Experiments by Pastel, Struthers, Ringle, Rogers, Rohde, and Geiser in the American Journal of Physics, 68 (2000) 11, 993-1000).

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

FORTRAN code miev.tar and a complete paper by

Warren J. Wiscombe, Mie Scattering Calculations: Advances in Technique and Fast, Vector-Speed Computer Codes, NCAR/TN-140+STR, NCAR TECHNICAL NOTE June 1979 (edited/revised August 1996).

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