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Fast Mie Algorithm (FMA) by Pawel Gliwa. The program is written in the Turbo Pascal language.


VHOT (vectorial theory of holographic optical trapping) program written in IDL (Interactive Data Language) by Bo Sun to compute the force and torque for planar wave scattering by a sphere to investigate holographical optical trapping. A holographical phasemask can also be used to generate the incident field using an angular spectrum of planar waves. The program include an IDL code for Mie theory. There is a IDL compatible free GDL (GNU Data Language) incremental compiler.

Fortran IV code printed in V. Bradford Mason: The electromagnetic radiation from simple sources in the presence of a homogeneous dielectric sphere. Dissertation, University of Michigan 1972.

Code by Vincenzo Amendola for sizing AuNP by UV-visible spectroscopy, based on the Mie model for spheres and the Gans model for spheroids, developed with Wolfram Mathematica.

This Fortran code to compute electromagnetic scattering by a by a stratified sphere is available from SCATTERLIB.
Ref. Applied Optics, 20, 3657, 1981.

Fortran program for a multilayered sphere by Z. S. Wu and Y. P. Wang.

  • Link (11 Mar 2009)

C program for a coated sphere by Jianqi Shen. The rar file includes the code, a doc and a paper decribing the algorithm.

  • Link (20 Mar 2009)

This is a Mathcad by DS Hamilton to compute Mie scattering.

HVM (Holographic Video Microscopy) routines written in IDL (Interactive Data Language) by David Grier to measure the radius, refractive index, and three-dimensional position of a colloidal sphere immersed in a dielectric medium by fitting its digital holographic microscopy image to Mie scattering theory. There is a IDL compatible free GDL (GNU Data Language) incremental compiler.

This Mie program for Windows Mobile is based on the Matlab code of Barnett. Requirements: Installation of LME (Lightwave Math Engine), which is Matlab clone for Windows Mobile. By Norbert Riefler.

  • Link (11 Mar 2009)
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