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Compute Mie scattering in Julia. Mie scattering is the scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a homogeneous sphere. Based on a Fortran code by Karri Muinonen.

using MieScatter
S, Qsca, Qext, Qback = compute_mie(x, m, N)
S, Qsca, Qext, Qback = compute_mie(x, m, list_of_angles)

Fortran program bhfield by Honoh Suzuki to compute the nearfield inside and outside of a coated sphere.

H. Suzuki and I-Y. S. Lee: Calculation of the Mie Scattering Field inside and outside a Coated Spherical Particle, Int. J. Phys. Sci., 3, 38-41 (2008; Errata: Int. J. Phys. Sci. 4, 615, 2009).

H. Suzuki and I-Y. S. Lee: Mie Scattering Field inside and near a Coated Sphere: Computation and Biomedical Applications, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, in press (2012).



Mie theory and phase function expansion code by Chris Godsalve.

  • Link (4 April 2014)

Code Fortran basé sur la théorie de Lorenz-Mie by Marchant Benjamin.

  • Link (11 Jul 2013)

MatScat is a MATLAB package by Jan Schäfer which contains different solutions for the scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a sphere (Mie theory) or an infinite circular cylinder.

  • Link (27 Jul 2012)

These Mathematica script files by Markus Selmke allow the extensive study of light-particle interaction phenomena enountered in coherent focused beam illumination of spherical (multilayered) scatterers, e.g. to compute the intensity collected by a detection microscope objective and recorded with a photo-diode, radiation pressures, the rel. photothermal signal, sopectra, Poynting vector flows and near fields among other things.

  • Link (23 Nov 2011)



LMie (Linearized Mie) by Greg McGarragh computes the scattering properties for polydisperse homogeneous spherical particles using Mie theory. What sets LMie apart from the many other Mie implementations available is that in addition to the typical scattering quantities LMie has the option to analytically generate derivatives of these quantities with respect to the input parameters.

A Python code for computing the scattering properties of single- and dual-layered spheres with an easy-to-use object oriented interface.

Based on code by C. Mätzler; ported and published with permission.

Requires NumPy and SciPy.


Winsph by Steve Turley  is a windows program for computing the near and far field intensities for acoustic scattering from spheres. The three cases of a hard sphere, soft sphere, and penetrable sphere are handled for homogenouis media.

  • Link (8 June 2012)
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