14 | 03 | 2025


An implementation of the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method in 2D and 3D for Electromagnetic Simulation in Julia.

2D FDTD Mini Simulation


Free and open-source code package designed to perform PyMEEP FDTD simulations applied to Plasmonics.

Maxwell2D: Animations of electromagnetic waves

This page contains animations of numerical solutions to Maxwell's equations in a 2D domain (using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method, FDTD).


IrisFDTD-Academic is a Fortran implementation of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. IrisFDTD-Academic is a "toy version" of the IrisFDTD program.


WOLFSIM- Wideband Optical FDTD Simulator

  • Link (29 Feb 2016)

MESTI  (Maxwell's Equations Solver with Thousands of Inputs)

MESTI is an open-source software for full-wave electromagnetic simulations in frequency domain using finite-difference discretization on the Yee lattice.


FonSinEM is Freeware based on the FDTD method.

  • Link (29 Feb 2016)


FDTD++ is advanced, fully featured finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software, with included C++ source code and a number of features not found in any other software.

  • Link (28 March 2019)


Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-destructive electromagnetic investigative tool used in many diverse applications across the fields of engineering and geophysics.

  • Link (10 Aug 2015)