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The DDA-SI toolbox for MATLAB:

1) Standard DDA for free space light scattering calculations

2) DDA with surface interaction (DDA-SI)

3) Discrete rotational symmetry-optimized DDA, T-matrix formulation (not include in release v0.1)

Download link for beta releases,

v0.1: http://code.google.com/p/dda-si/

v0.2: https://github.com/dalerxli/dda-si

Functions from the Optical Tweezers Toolbox may be required: https://au.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/73541-ott-optical-tweezers-toolbox

The functions are for coordinate transformation, generating beam shape coefficients for arbitrary illumination, vector spherical wave functions etc.

Please cite the accompanying paper:

Vincent. L.Y. Loke, M. Pinar Mengüç and Timo A. Nieminen, "Discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction: Computational toolbox for MATLAB", JQSRT, Vol. 27 Issue 10, pp.2293-2303 (2010), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.03.012

Associated theoretical paper for reference:

Vincent. L.Y. Loke and M. Pinar Mengüç, "Surface waves and atomic force microscope probe-particle near-field coupling: discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction", JOSA A, Vol. 27 Issue 10, pp.2293-2303 (2010), http://www.opticsinfobase.org/spotlight/summary.cfm?URI=josaa-27-10-2293

Book chapter:

Light, Plasmonics and Particles - Nanophotonics, Chapter 10 - Discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99901-4.00018-4

Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




OpenDDA by James Mc Donald is a highly optimised computational framework, written in the C language, for the Discrete Dipole Approximation, a numerical method for calculating the optical properties associated with a target of arbitrary geometry that is widely used in atmospheric, astrophysical and industrial simulations.

  • Link (6 Jun 2009) broken
  • Link (27 Jan 2022) Archive
  • Link (27 Jan 2022) on GitHub

This Fortran code by Yu You calculates the light scattering by an arbitrary particle, which has a non-unit electric permittivity as well a non-unit magnetic permeability. The code is based on the DDA code, DDSCAT 6.1, published by Draine and Flatau.

  • Link, local copy (12 Apr 2010)

Matlab CDA (coupled dipole approximation) program for oblate ellipsoids by Matthew David McMahon printed in Matthew David McMahon: Effects of geometrical order on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of metal nanoparticles. Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 2006.

  • Link (25 Feb 2009)

LiteBil is a visualisation tool for ADDA and DDSCAT shape files, developed at the Laboratory of Paper Coating and Converting ( Martti Toivakka) at Åbo Akademi University, Finnland.

MarCodes (Vadim A. Markel's Coupled Dipole Equation Solvers) solve light scattering by an arbitrary cluster of point dipoles (monomers) using the conjugate gradient method (iterative) and the LU expension method (direct method)

Matlab and C/C++ code printed in
Shashank Kulkarni: MoM modeling of metal-dielectric structures via volume integral equation. MS Thesis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2004.

  • Link (20 Jul 2009)

A couple of Fortran programs to generate shape.dat files for use with DDSCAT 6.0 by Cecilia Noguez.

Fortran code based on the Coupled Diple Methode by Shermila Singham. Apparently the sample scatterer comming with the code is a small sphere.

  • Link (19 Jun 2009)

Fortran code solving the volume integral equation printed in Rick Cooper: The effects of a nearby biological body on the parameters of a small hand-held radio operating in the H.F. band (3 MHz-30 MHz), Master of Science Thesis, Ohio University 1992.

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