21 | 12 | 2024

Library with the filtered Green's tensor by Nicolas Piller.

The filtered Green's tensor is a modified Green's tensor developed to improve the accuracy of the coupled-dipole approximation (CDA) or discrete-dipole approximation (DDA).

Reference: N. B. Piller and O. J. F. Martin, Increasing the performance of the Coupled-Dipole Approximation: A spectral approach, IEEE Antennas and Propagation, August 1998.

A collection of DDA references.

  • Link (27 Nov 2008)

DDSCAT FORTRAN code by Draine and Flatau for scattering computation by 3d-objects.

  • Link (27 Nov 2008)

Conjugate gradient FFT volume integral method FORTRAN program printed in

Manuel F. Catedra, Emilio Gago, Luis Nuno, 3 D BODY Computer Code

in W. Ross Stone (Ed.) Radar Cross Section of Complex Objects, IEEE Press, New York 1989 p. 150-183 (pages 160 and 161 interchanged!).

  • Link (local 15 March 2021)

Discrete Dipole Approximation - Review and Advances by B. T. Draine and P. J. Flatau.

A version of Catedra's FORTRAN code (CG-FFT) including a Matlab 5.2 Graphical User Interface is available from Aharon Blank.

The Discrete Dipole Approximation for Scattering and Absorption of Light by Irregular Particles.

  • Link (27 Nov 2008)

Volume Integral Equation code by by Jouni Peltoniemi.

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