A couple of Fortran programs to generate shape.dat files for use with DDSCAT 6.0 by Cecilia Noguez.
DDSUB a software package based on the Coupled-Dipole Method (CDM) for modeling the internal fields within a feature (defect) embedded below the surface of an infinite half-plane substrate. By Brent Nebeker.
Fortran code solving the volume integral equation printed in Rick Cooper: The effects of a nearby biological body on the parameters of a small hand-held radio operating in the H.F. band (3 MHz-30 MHz), Master of Science Thesis, Ohio University 1992.
Based on DDSCAT DDA_field adds the following additional capabilities to DDSCAT: (1) treatment of particles in solvent, (2) calculation of near-field properties such as local electric field, including the calculation of near-field properties on a grid that is different from the DDA grid, (3) periodic boundary conditions, (4) consideration of many other shapes of particles, and of more than one particle in the simulation box. DDA_field by Serdar Ogut and Juan C. Idrobo.
Libg3d by P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin is a suite of Fortran routines to compute various types of Green’s tensor for three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering calculations.
A preliminary, didactic, not tested, not documented, very simple, not for production, version of DDSCAT written in Matlab by Piotr J. Flatau.
DDSURF is a code based on the Coupled-Dipole Method (CDM) for modeling of electromagnetic light scattering from features on a plane surface. By Roland Schmehl and Brent Nebeker.
Sample Fortran code used to produce overlapping mixture of multiple tetrahedra (OMMT) for use with DDSCAT by Yasuhiko Okada.
DDFILM is a software package based on the Coupled-Dipole Method (CDM) that models the internal fields of a feature (defect) embedded within an infinite thin film. By Haiping Zhang.
Quasi-Monte-Carlo method (QMC) extending DDSCAT for efficient numerical orientation averaging of light scattering properties by Yasuhito Okada.