27 | 07 | 2024

PySHS: Python Open Source Software for Second Harmonic Scattering

The PySHS package is a new python open source software tool which simulates the second harmonic scattering (SHS) of different kinds of colloidal nano-objects in various experimental configurations.


STRATIFY: a comprehensive and versatile MATLAB code for a multilayered sphere

Matlab code by Ilia Rasskazov for electromagnetic properties of a general multilayered (stratified) sphere

  • Link (23 June 2020)



MiePython is a pure Python module to calculate light scattering by non-absorbing, partially-absorbing, or perfectly conducting spheres.

  • Link (31 Dec 2020)

Python Mie Scattering package (PyMieScatt)

In addition to over twenty functions for Mie theory calculations, it contains our implementation of a highly visual method for solving the inverse Mie problem for the complex refractive index, given known or assumed size parameter and optical measurements.

  • Link (19 Oct 2017)



An Open-Source MATLAB Implementation of Multipole Expansion for  Applications in Nanophotonics


SMARTIES: Spheroids Modelled Accurately with a Robust Matlab T-matrix Implementation for Electromagnetic Scattering

  • Link (9 Mar 2016)

Nonlocal Conductivity Tensor for a Sphere

Matlab codes for Mie-Type Calculation of the Generalized Electromagnetic Nonlocal Conductivity Tensor for a Sphere and Its Equivalence to the T-Matrix Operator

Mie Simulator GUI

This is a Mie Simulator GUI application. Mie Simulator GUI tool is capable of calculating
- Scattering coefficient
- Scattering cross section
- Reduced scattering coefficient
- Phase function
- S1 and S2
- Average cosine of the phase function
for a single or series of wavelengths

  • Link (10 Aug 2015, offline)
  • Link (6 Nov 2021)

Lorentz-Mie scattering

Lorentz-Mie scattering code in fortran90, based on Hong Du's paper: "Mie-Scattering Calculation, Applied Optics, Vol. 43, Issue 9, pp. 1951-1956 (2004)",


Abshere by Kuan Fang Ren is based on the rigorous theory to calculate various physical quantities in the interaction of a light beam with a homogeneous spherical particle or with a concentric layered refractive index gradient. ABSphere allows to calculate: (1) scattering diagrams, (2) radiation pressure (force) and torque exerted by a beam of light on the particle, (3). internal and external electromagnetic fields, (4). extinction, scattering and absorption sections. The forms of the beam considered in ABSphere: (1) circular Gaussian beam. (2) elliptical Gaussian beam. (3) Dungnut beam of 4 different polarizations, (4). Bessel beam (5). 

  • Link (31 Jul 2015, 23 Sept 2021)



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