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SimScat by Peter J.T. Verheijen can be used to calculate the light scattering pattern from a distribution of particles to analyze Laser Diffraction instruments.

  • Link (13 Apr 2010)

The Mie Theory Calculator developed by Ivan Charamsinau calculates the light scattering and absorption of small particles. Simple spherical and composite core-shell particles are considered.

This FORTRAN code for spherical  scatterers with a complex permittivity and a complex permeability is listed in

Merril E. Milham, Electromagnetic scattering by magnetic spheres: theory and  algorithms, Edgewood Research Development and Engineering Center, ERDEC-TR-207,  Oct. 1994, ADA289798.

The size parameter may be as large as 23000.

  • Link, report (28 Sep 2009)
  • Link, local copy of the code (12 Apr 2010)

OpenMie by Magnus Lundmark is Python program under the GNU General Public License to code to calculate Mie scattering from spheres and spherical shells.

Improved light scattering program for coated spheres by Weiwei Cai, Laura Kranendonk, Tonghun Lee, Lin Ma.

MieLab is a GUI software by Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez for calculating electromagnetic scattering of by multilayered spheres.

This set of Matlab programs by Tami Bond calculates absorption, scattering and backscattering for spherical, coated or uncoated particles of lognormal or measured size distributions. There is also a utility to do several runs from parameters given in an Excel worksheet.

ScattNLay is a C-program by O. Peña and U. Pal to compute scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a multi-layered sphere. CPC Catalogue identifier: AEEY_v1_0.

ScattNLay 2.0


Wikipedia: Codes for electromagnetic scattering by spheres

The LVEC-MIE Fortran program by Victoria E. Cachorro Revilla calculates Mie scattering magnitudes: Mie scattering factors: (Qe,Qs,Qa), Mie intensities i1,i2, asimetry factor g, single scattering albedo w0.


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