29 | 03 | 2025

Optical Forces In Optical Tweezers

This open source project by Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves is for Mathematica implementations of optical forces in optical tweezers. It relies on the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) and the highly focused beam described by angular spectrum representation.

  • Link (14 Apr 2022)


This is a simple code that implements a generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) solver for electromagnetic scattering from spherically-symmetric bodies.



Validating the method of fundamental solutions for computing the total scattering cross-section of a sphere. The notebook is intended for validating the model presented in the paper entitled, "Modeling broadband cloaking using 3D nano-assembled plasmonic meta structures," by M. Khan, S. Ghosh, R. Baxter, and A. D. Kim (2020).

  • Link (30 Jan 2022)



Python routines for tracking and characterizing colloidal particles with in-line holographic video microscopy (HVM)

  • Link (31 Jul 2021)



A MATLAB function GCforce is presented for the calculation of gradient and scattering parts of optical force (OF).


Julia implementation of Mie theory for nanophotonics by Hinamoto, Tatsuki.

  • Link (23 Apr 2021)

Elliptical Gaussian Beam

cpp code for Light scattering of a spherical particle illuminated by an elliptical Gaussian beam by Jianqi Shen. The link includes the code and references.



GLMTscatt by Luiz Felipe Machado Votto GMTL-based electromagnetic field simulator

Luiz Felipe Machado Votto

Generalized Lorenz Mie Repository

This repository holds code for calculating optical fields and forces on spherical particles in generalized Lorenz-Mie theory.



PyMieSim by Martin Poinsinet de Sivry-Houle is a very easy to install/use tool for extensive Mie scattering analysis. It includes a focused Gaussian beam as incident field.

  • Link (22 Apr 2021, 26 Aug 2024)


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